Moon Opposite Neptune: Sweet Dreams

Moon Opposite Neptune: Sweet Dreams

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Late tonight / early tomorrow morning, 2:16 am Pacific time, the Moon will slip into an exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces, bringing this numinous, vague and softly sensitive energy closer into your emotions. The Moon in any case symbolizes instinctive awareness while Neptune is the planet of universal compassion and transcendent faith. With the Moon briefly opposite Neptune tonight you could be feeling tuned to inner cosmic powers, and have rich and profoundly meaningful dreams. These will perhaps stimulate further explorations of deep process that could have already been going on. You might also this evening experience some degree of conflict between your emotions and an almost unconscious sense of idealism, or perhaps be more sensitive in your awareness of others. An extraordinary ability to tap into your own deeper layers is also implied. There could even be a tendency toward escapist fantasy, with feeling such extreme sensitivity as to want to get away altogether from the merry-go-round of daily existence. With the Moon in Virgo there are undertones of refinement and the quest for purity, and this could prove an excellent motive to clear away anything in your life that is not serving you. This is a good night to journal, and to record and reflect on what might come up in your sleeping dreams, as well as to set the intention of being as aware as you can of what is coming to you from out of the depths of your waking imagination.

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