Venus in Libra: Love and Harmony

Venus in Libra: Love and Harmony

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Today Venus moves into the sign of Libra, that is to say, along with Taurus, the sign that it rules. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, earthly delights and beauty, while the archetype of Libra reflects much the same symbolism, including diplomacy and balance. With this movement, or as it is technically called, ingress, of Venus into its home sign you may feel more inclined to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve true collaboration with a partner. You could feel even more willing to negotiate and to see the other person's point of view. You may also have a tendency to avoid conflict, and as a result could miss opportunities for getting to the heart of any relationship troubles. You might also for the next thirty days or so experience a heightened appreciation and sense of beauty, elegance, and harmony in going about your daily life. You benefit by seeking out situations where you feel restful, open, and balanced.

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