Pluto's Heart: The Depths of Love and Evolution

Pluto's Heart: The Depths of Love and Evolution

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The recent NASA fly-by of Pluto revealed a beautiful and synchronistic discovery: the distinct shape of a heart on the surface of this tiny (dwarf) planet. This could lead us to ask what is happening in the cultural zeitgeist, and what archetypal symbolism is held within such a discovery. In astrology Pluto has a reputation for depth, intensity and transformational qualities, and not necessarily in the gentlest of ways. This whole decade is colored by the many years of the recurring square between Pluto and Uranus, significant of deep and far-reaching metamorphosis, both individually and collectively. Such fundamental changes are often accompanied by varying degrees of pain and grief, as we say farewell to ways of being and pieces of ourselves that no longer serve us. The heart shape recently discovered on Pluto perhaps suggests the new wave of a more loving, gentle stage in this society's spiritual evolution.

Pluto has been prominent in recent astrology, with the Moon being the focus of a T-square from the Sun in opposition to Pluto in this week's recent quarter Moon. Mars and Mercury will also be making a close opposition to Pluto at the time of the upcoming Cancer New Moon, with Venus is in almost exact sesquiquadrate. This indicates an opportunity for developing greater nurturance and depth in all your relationships, plus a growing balance between your sense of identity and soul-level beliefs as you navigate the tricky waters of your unfolding destiny ? especially in regard to the ways in which your gifts are being transmitted to the manifest world. You could be tuning in to the ultimate significance of relationship in your life, while seeing yourself through the lens of what is reflected as you work through issues of close contact with important others.

Our world is changing rapidly, and many individuals have climbed aboard the bandwagon of taking greater personal responsibility, committing more fully to the growth and healing of their own consciousness, with the recognition that each of us contributes the evolving consciousness of humanity as a whole. May we allow this development of our understanding of Pluto's impact in astrological symbolism and as well in factual pictorial reality to serve as a signal. Although it takes the fierce will of our inner warrior to be with the challenges that arise in the complex process of our spiritual evolution, it also requires of us that we remain in the lovingkindness that makes it all worth while, with the innocent open-heartedness of a child.

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