Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury Stations Direct

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Today, June 11th, Mercury stations to direct motion at 3:33 pm PDT. This normally quick moving planet, symbolic of thought and communication, has been in retrograde (backward) motion through the sign of Gemini since May 18th, so that you may well have noticed that communication breakdowns and technology glitches have been more frequent than usual. You have also likely been feeling drawn to inner realms. As Mercury stations this Thursday afternoon, standing dead still in the sky, these patterns are even more greatly amplified. You could find as well that you are attuned to a shift regarding some significant process for you, the subject of recent introspection. Along with the usual symptoms of the Mercury Retrograde period, your mental focus is reaching for an unusual climax at this moment in time.

We tend to think about what we would like to change, and it might be a good time to stop and think that sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. Perhaps you are after cleaning out the metaphorical closets or the attic of your psyche. You actually have to bring everything out into the light to begin with, which could seem like something of a chaotic mess. Then, slowly but surely, you begin to put things back in a more orderly fashion, and ditch what is no longer of any current value. Right now you could make use of this analogy figuratively, or actually even literally, because this is a beneficial time to be purging what no longer serves you.

There?s a new trend forming around a recent best seller called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, a book in which the author utilizes emotion, rather than logic, to determine whether or not to keep any particular thing. It?s very simple: if the item brings you a feeling of joy, keep it; if not, it should go! The very same could be said for other areas of your life: those things that bring you joy, hold them close to your heart. Those things that are not a source of happiness, gently release, provided of course that you are ready.

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