Uranus Square Pluto: The Evolution Continues

Uranus Square Pluto: The Evolution Continues

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Today, March 16th, 2015, the much-referenced square between Uranus and Pluto makes its 7th exact aspect, the final one for this decade.  While today at 6:51PM PDT is the moment of exact, it may be more appropriate to view this aspect as a long and arduous process of awakening that is unfolding on an individual and global level, and has been for some time now. Pluto is the powerful astrological archetype representing deep and lasting transformation, and Uranus represents revolutionary ardor,  awakening to new perspectives and shifting paradigms.  The square between them speaks to a challenging sense of tension, especially if resisted, and in any case resulting in evolutionary growth over time. 

Uranus in Aries signals a powerful forward drive, urging fresh approaches, new frontiers, and the pursuit of a visionary ideal.  This is reflected in the novel and rapid advancements currently in science and in social movements. Uranian innovation is also reflected on an individual level with more ease in adopting radically different ideas and departures from older paradigms.  This spring therefore represents an exciting period of time of transformational change, and it could also feel difficult at times to keep your head above water 

Because Pluto has been traveling through Capricorn since 2008, it could be helpful for you if you were to take a look back at the last few years, up until now.  Especially regarding 2010 or 2011 onward, has there indeed been massive alteration taking place in your life, perhaps even to the very foundation of who you once knew yourself to be? Capricorn is foundational and structured in nature, so there has likely been a tremendous metamorphosis on a level so deep, it could even be shaking you to your very core.  A good analogy is the foundation of a building; if you have to rebuild the foundation, you will also have to tear down all that has been built on top of it. Sounds like a lot of work, right? But this work creates the kind of renovation that will last for generations. Similarly, the changes that you make over the remainder of this decade, in the aftermath of the seven-fold series of exact hits ending today, will have over the long run a solid and lasting effect.

Today, and all this month, there is another element at play, and that is Jupiter in Leo making an inconjunct aspect to Pluto, and a trine aspect to Uranus. This triggering effect from expansive Jupiter represents an extra charge and strong sense of optimism bringing fuel to the transformational fires. You are striving for high personal ideals, and possessed of a spirit of innovation and massive change. In light of the potential for pain and suffering that is inherent in our world, and that is part of this work of yours within that frame, it is important that you find inspiration in some conception that allows you to relax into letting go. Helpful as well are the positive ideals that represent another hallmark of Jupiter's influence in this dynamic.

The full effect on your life of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is far from over. These two powerhouse planets will remain within a few degrees of each other through the end of this decade. Today's perfect alignment marks one apex of the peaks and valleys of your current evolution. If you have been doing your spiritual homework, you may be learning to ride the waves with more ease by now. The key is surrender to the inevitable and standing firm when you need to support your true soul-level intention. There is a broad and potent invitation now to step into the fires of transformation and discover what needs to be burned away, and what gems will then remain with greater scope in which to inhabit, once you can move forward unencumbered.  With courage to match your inner fire and by proceeding with honor and and humility, much is to be gained.

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