Britain to Leave the EU - as Predicted by Eris

Britain to Leave the EU - as Predicted by Eris

Posted on in Announcements |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Well the news is out now that Britain is to leave the European Union, a result that was predicted by the placement of Eris and Uranus in partile (same degree) trine to the nation's Saturn, in the same degree of Leo. Because Eris represents a strong stand for self-determination, the indications were there that they would vote to leave the EU. Note as well that the TimePassages software has Eris interpretations for every house placement and in combination with natal planets - on sale NOW.

Here is the article that I wrote last month, which was posted on the Astrological Association of Great Britain web site -

I have lately made a lengthy study of the astrological effects of the new planet, Eris, officially named as recently in September 2006 (though some are calling her a 'dwarf' planet I take as my lead that this designation puts her in the very same astronomical category as small but potent Pluto). In my work I have shown that Eris can be characterized as a Feminine Warrior energy (in Greek mythology she was the sister to the War God and his battlefield companion). By the designation "Feminine Warrior" I mean an implacable fighter for deep soul intention. More evidence for this characterization keeps pouring in from all sides, everywhere I turn. My book is called The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris, published by The Wessex Astrologer LINK, and has been very well-received. I have also written an article for The Mountain Astrologer magazine (April 2015). See as well, if you like, the reviews on amazon.

Many with strong Eris, such as noted feminist leaders and paradigm shifters, have an urge to follow their own soul-level view of things to the extent that they will sacrifice almost anything for whatever they most deeply believe. A good example is William Blake, with very strong Eris, who articulated his own inner vision at the expense of all else in his life, and a more modern one is U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Bernie has some of the same Eris aspects, most notably a partile trine (rather than the square) with Pluto as well as Eris in aspect to Mercury and Uranus. His puckish sense of humor and his carefully articulated stance in support of a revolutionary agenda ( Mercury, Uranus) as well as his stamina and doggedness in pursuing his objectives (Pluto) are legendary, as evidenced by his current and unexpectedly successful run for the White House. It is also interesting to note that on the day that he chose to announce his candidacy, the Sun was exactly sextile to his natal Eris, with transiting Eris also in partile conjunction to his Mars.

This brings me to the reason that I proffer this material in the context of Britain's historic upcoming vote on whether to stay in the EU. I was reviewing the chart for the U.K., given as 1 January, 1801, in Nick Campion's well-known reference work The Book of World Horoscopes, and noted that the Saturn in this chart was located at 23 Leo 22, the same degree that Eris and Uranus will occupy in Aries at the time of their conjunction in June. This prompted me to recall to myself the date of the Brexit vote. I wondered, is that also to be in June? and of course it is. The June 23rd positions for Eris and Uranus are 23 Aries 35 and 59, respectively. I was fascinated as well to find that the position of a slowing retrograde Mars, getting ready to station direct in less than a week's time, will then be 23 Scorpio 21, in perfect square — within minutes — to the nation's Saturn degree. Thus I thought to myself, my God, they are going to pull out.

The symbolism is striking, and also the partile nature of these aspects, especially when you consider Saturn's role in a national chart as emblematic of its structure.

Retrograde Mars in partile square with the nation's Saturn position suggests that, when contemplating an action, it is most important to follow internal rather than external considerations. Uranus in trine is also a powerful archetype of individualism and sudden change. Then you add Eris into the mix for good measure, powerfully bringing Uranus to the fore and representing, as I have briefly described above, the strong urge to fight for one's own inner compass, above and beyond all other influences. The trine to national Saturn from Eris is also extremely close that day, within a quarter of a degree, and this in and of itself implies realigning the nation's structure along the lines prompted by deeply personal soul intention.

Incidentally, considering the national Saturn, it is important to note as well that Saturn in the sky that day makes aspects to the nation's Sun degree, a semi-sextile, and to the nation's Mars, a quincunx or inconjunct, within a tenth of a degree, plus an extremely close contra-parallel to national Jupiter as well. This does lend a conservative air to the proceedings that could nudge the vote toward keeping the status quo, so that there are indeed indications on both sides. In any case these aspects from transiting Saturn are also emblematic of an important event taking place, such as of course the decision to withdraw from the EU would be. There is no guarantee with any of these indications, but there are quite a pile of them on the side of rebellion and new directions. If I were a betting man I might be inclined to place my money on the people's voting to abandon the EU, with all the independence of spirit, and the relative political chaos, that that decision would entail.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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