Saturn into Capricorn – a Dramatic Winter Solstice

Saturn into Capricorn – a Dramatic Winter Solstice

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

When Saturn finally leaves Sagittarius after 2 ½ years – and moves into his own sign for the first time in 28 – it will be an amazing moment because the Sun will come along to the same initial degree of Capricorn very soon after. Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn takes place on the evening of December 19th, while the Winter Solstice, when the Sun does the same, happens a day and a half later, on the morning of December 21st. This makes the Winter Solstice especially significant this year, with the Sun, at 0 degrees of Capricorn, in partile conjunction with Saturn only a few minutes of a degree away. This adds a huge additional impact to this important moment that occurs every year at this time, when we revel in the Capricornian energy of seriousness and solemnity, and of being in great earnestness with what we are trying to accomplish both in these remaining twelve days of the old year and for the entirety of the next.

When Saturn enters Capricorn, he will be “coming home” and thus re-invigorating the sign of Capricorn in many ways. We could see an even stronger resurgence of conservative empowerment, counter-balanced by the potent presence also of Uranus in Aries, that wants to see change happening at all levels of society; and sometimes, it must be admitted, change just for the sake of change. We must always remember as well that the deeper implications of strong Capricorn include the desire to see the social matrix that surrounds us continue to evolve, to find its truest expression. In this higher octave of solemn Earth energy, therefore, Saturn is aligned with Uranus for progress at multiple levels. This higher purpose for Capricorn may well see its fullest expression in the coming year, when so much is on the line – for our culture and in fact, our world.

Pluto, also in Capricorn, at the 18-degree mark, is supported by a powerful forming sextile from Jupiter in Scorpio. The strong presence of Pluto indicates that there is loads of transformational potential in the months ahead; and this is so on both personal and collective levels. Saturn, as he continues to move through his own sign for the next several years, comes closer and closer to Pluto, finally conjuncting in January of 2020. This will be a significant seed moment for the pivotal start of a new decade. Jupiter will join the late-Capricorn party as well, by November, in a rare triple conjunction. This alignment has distinct implications for societal transformation. A new understanding of the meaning of social responsibility could well be in the offing at that time; and we are beginning to see its genesis even now. The years leading up to the climactic end of this decade therefore become increasingly important. The time to act is indeed upon us.

In the current month, Venus enters Capricorn on December 25th, Christmas Day, adding to the cardinal Earth energy of this holiday season. The issue of women’s rights and equality of power with their masculine bosses will continue to be front and center in the political climate for 2018. Mercury remains in retrograde until the 22nd, and stays in square with numinous Neptune for several days as it stations, making for a quietly spiritual and introspective time, good for silent retreats and self-reflection. The Moon in the Winter Solstice chart of December 21st squares Mars in early Scorpio, bringing the potential for reactivity – or at least for the beginnings of an angry response – to all our personal interactions. Since the Winter Solstice chart presages the year ahead, we may encounter in coming months both passionate responses to situations, and as well the possibility for rising above the fray to a calmer and more inclusive perspective.

The Sabian Symbol for the 0-degree mark of Capricorn, “An Indian chief demanding recognition,” speaks to the inner dignity which we might be able to rely upon, as we act and speak in accordance with our true nature. We are souls in action, humans on the path of learning to be, ever more fully, who we really are.

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