Jupiter in Pisces: A Season of Spirit & Big Imagination

Jupiter in Pisces: A Season of Spirit & Big Imagination

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Jupiter, the planet of expansive blessings, gifts of spiritual truth, and going overboard, is making his grand entrance into his home turf of Pisces this month. Pisces is a mutable Water sign, symbolic of spiritual connection, etheric sensitivities, and wandering imagination. Jupiter is a social planet, meaning that he governs the overarching trends of society and culture. As he arrives in Pisces, we may feel a shift in our philosophical attitudes from the more intellectual and humanitarian-minded Aquarius in favor of a soft-eyed gaze into the numinous and unseen realms of Piscean mystery. While in Pisces, Jupiter is in the optimal position to bestow his gifts upon us, yet he also tends to magnify and expand on whatever he touches–whether that is something that serves us, or the reverse.

Jupiter usually spends about one year in each sign. This current trip through Pisces is, however, a little different because of Jupiter’s retrograde pattern. Beginning on May 13th with his entrance into Pisces, he will then just dip his bubbly toes into the first few degrees, station retrograde, and return on July 28th to Aquarius for a re-visitation of those same humanitarian themes, perhaps sweetened by his recent Piscean sojourn. Jupiter will next return to the sign of Pisces at the very end of the year, on December 28th, where he will travel until next May. (For the full rundown of the Jupiter in Pisces timing, see the table at the bottom of this article.) Essentially, we could look at this like Jupiter is a traveler who just returned home from a long journey, only to remember they forgot a piece of luggage at the train station where they must return to retrieve it, and then they get to go home, again.

What does Jupiter in Pisces look like for us? This, of course, depends on where Pisces falls in your birth chart, as well as if you have any natal placements there. It also matters which house Jupiter natally occupies because that might tell you what area of your life he will impact the most when in transit, by the resonance as Jupiter makes his aspects to your natal chart. As Jupiter transits Pisces, the themes of any planetary placements you have in Pisces will also be amplified. For example, let's say someone has a birth chart where Pisces falls in the 9th house of higher education, spiritual teachings, and travel, and Jupiter is in the 10th house of public life, career, and visibility. This person likely has a sense of eminence in their career, and that could involve spirituality, education, or travel. While Jupiter transits the 9th house, the Pisces house, these themes can be magnified and bolstered, so that what is already present in the birth chart in terms of career becomes activated and amplified. You can look at your chart with the TimePassages App, for mobile and desktop, or we offer an online Membership where you can create your free birth chart with interpretations.

The following are some points of inquiry to support your process of awareness around this transit:

What is my relationship with indulgence? (For which the definition is “to allow one’s self the pleasure of”) How can I indulge myself in life affirming ways, and in alignment with my wellbeing?

How am I with receiving gifts, praise, appreciation, abundance, and blessings? Are there areas where I feel undeserving? If so, what beliefs underlie that?

How do I utilize my imagination to envision a life where I am in alignment with my true values and desires? On the flip side, how do I tend to misuse the power of my imagination to fixate on my anxieties and fears?

What is my relationship to escapism? Am I aware of when I am in escape mode, unconsciously wishing my way out of the present moment? How can I participate in constructive fantasy in ways that are conscious and intentional? Unconscious patterns could look more like an addictive habit that is a crutch. Conscious involvement might look more like “I’m going to read this fantasy novel for the next three hours and really enjoy being immersed in another world!”

As with any transit, our awareness and intentions are pivotal to our experience. If there are ways you tend towards self-deprivation and melancholy, Jupiter in Pisces could be a great influence to provide some buoyancy, expansive positivity. If there are ways you tend towards escapism and overindulgence, you may want to keep a watchful eye on your consumption and addictive habits. This configuration provides us all a beautiful opportunity to tune into how we are with receiving abundance and goodness, as well as whether we have outdated beliefs or conditioning that inhibit our joy and pleasure. All in all, this time can be a super-rich, nourishing, and life-affirming transit, especially if we can keep a watchful eye out for where we tend to go overboard.

May we all experience the blessings and abundance Jupiter wishes to bestow upon us, and the discernment to indulge in healthy ways!

Jupiter in Pisces Timeline:

Enters Pisces May 13, 2021

Stations Retrograde Jun 20, 2021

Re-enters Aquarius on July 28, 2021

Stations Direct October 17, 2021

Re-enters Pisces December 28, 2021

Enters Aries May 10, 2022

Stations Retrograde July 28, 2022

Re-enters Pisces October 28, 2022

Stations Direct November 23, 2022

Enters Aries December 20, 2022

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