The Significance of Venus and Mars Traveling Together

The Significance of Venus and Mars Traveling Together

Posted on in Announcements |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Venus and Mars are coming together in the sky right now, and they remain in lock step through nearly the middle of March. This is quite unusual, and is due to the recent retrograde of the relationship planet before her meeting with fiery, forward-driving Mars. When Venus and Mars meet up in the sky, usually their rendezvous is quite brief – they say a quick hello and then move along – although not this time! Venus is still a little sluggish as she regains her zodiacal forward motion after dwelling in the depths of January’s Venus Retrograde. As Mars comes along, they will be moving at a similar pace and therefore spending a whopping 28 days traveling within one degree of one another, usually in the very same degree, from now until March 12th.

The colors of this astrological aspect could be painted in a number of ways. One is obviously that our regard for our romantic bonding could now come to the fore, shining the spotlight on our contrasting qualities, as well as our harmonizing ones. Venus also represents our values, and so another idea in all this, and the one that that jumps out to me, is that we might think of the current Venus position as representing an emergent process for each of us re-discovering, honing, and deepening into the embodiment of our core principles. And with Mars right there as her travel companion, the symbolism is saying “HEY, let’s integrate those beautiful, blossoming beliefs and put them into concrete, viable A C T I O N.  Let’s do that whole ‘be the change you wish to see in the world thing’ and let’s do it with verve and panache!” If we let this thought inspire us during this latter half of February, who knows what miracles we might find within ourselves, finally able to emerge into concrete realization.

Of course, Mars can frequently be a little too much. Especially so right now with this fiery planet exalted in the sign of Capricorn, there is an extra purposeful vibe, while, it’s also important to note, the softer Venus is not quite as at home in this Cardinal Earth sign. The interesting dynamic between these two planets for the remainder of the month, and beyond, might well invoke a conversation inside of the walls of our own psyche – with one part that may push, get excited, and be impatient, while another may require some gentle TLC. In this way of looking at this significant aspect, the Venus part of the equation may need some bolstering, because this may spur the areas of ourselves where we feel unsure of our inherent value and worth. If you find resonance here, you might benefit by allowing these parts to speak their piece. One question could be: where inner conflict has taken hold, how lovingly can you steward renegotiation? And here’s a tip: ask and intend for all the needs of all your disparate parts to be considered, honored, and thoroughly met, and see what unfolds…
Perhaps this is the true gift of this extended conjunction of Mars and Venus in Capricorn. This dramatic transiting aspect gives us an extended window to allow a new foundation to be formed within ourselves, and to carry that out into our world and in relationship to one another.  As always, it helps enormously to be gentle… the stresses of the world are a lot to be with at the moment, so that we each deserve to give ourselves the gift of grace and acceptance as we simultaneously and mutually endeavor to heal, and strive to remember the divine Truth of who we are.

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