Moon Opposite Pluto: Depth of Feeling

Moon Opposite Pluto: Depth of Feeling

Today, as the Moon sweeps through Cancer, she will make an exact opposition aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. With the Moon symbolizing instinctive awareness and Pluto representing transformation, the collision of their energies could speak to potential conflict between emotions and deep regeneration. Everyone is therefore more subject to their deeper needs today - or...

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Venus Sextile Jupiter: Receive the Goodness

Venus Sextile Jupiter: Receive the Goodness

Late tomorrow, or early Tuesday, at 1:33am Pacific time, we have a nice little gem of an aspect pattern. Venus in Libra, the sign she rules and Mars in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, each make a strong and favorable aspect with Jupiter in Leo, presaging a fundamentally optimistic day when many things could be contemplated in a positive light. This would include any...

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Sun, Jupiter & Mars: Bright and Shiny

Sun, Jupiter & Mars: Bright and Shiny

We are getting a little extra juice of optimism today, a minor peak of what has been a strong presence of fiery unbridled enthusiasm with the grand trine of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus that has been in operation these past few days. That is because today the Sun, representing vitality and life force, residing at the midpoint of their trine, makes an exact sextile...

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Mercury Returns to Libra: In Search of Balance

Mercury Returns to Libra: In Search of Balance

Mercury continues its journey in retrograde motion and on October 10th moves out of the watery depths of Scorpio back into Libra, where balance could be considered a top priority. Our thoughts and focus shift back again into a re-take on what we were starting out to conquer in a new way during the last full week of September, when the Libra New Moon brought certain...

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Venus square Pluto: The Beauty of Patience in Growth

Venus square Pluto: The Beauty of Patience in Growth

Following the intense energies of the Full Moon eclipse of this morning, we have another aspect forming that is good to note as we go about our day: Venus in Libra is coming into exact square with Pluto in Capricorn. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and material abundance, and as it passes through Libra there is a strong emphasis on partnership and...

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