Corraling The Inner Wilds

Corraling The Inner Wilds

Today, Friday, along with the mixed energy of the Last Quarter Moon, there are two exact aspects worth noting, coming up this evening. Mercury trines Neptune, with the Sun in square to Mars. Imagination and fantasy-prone thoughts - as indicated by Mercury, the ruler of communication, in flowing relation to Neptune, the planet of inspiration and faith - run up...

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Jupiter Moves Into Leo: Expansion and Creative Power

Jupiter Moves Into Leo: Expansion and Creative Power

Today Jupiter moves from the emotional realms of Cancer into the creative and dramatic domain of Leo. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance and spends about one year in each sign. With Jupiter in Leo there could easily be a huge burst of fiery creativity lit within you, with a boost to your confidence and assertiveness. This coming year may prove to be a...

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Venus trine Mars: The Pursuit of Harmony and Bliss

Venus trine Mars: The Pursuit of Harmony and Bliss

A bright and auspicious aspect is upon us, as Venus in Gemini makes an exact trine this evening to Mars in Libra. These so-called "personal" planets move through the zodiac more quickly than the outer planets, and their effects are felt for a shorter span of time, only a day or so. This time can be potent, nonetheless. During this brief time your fondness...

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Harnessing Personal Power: Looking Within

Harnessing Personal Power: Looking Within

Today the Sun swings into a potent position, making exact aspects to two planets: a square to revolutionary Uranus, and a trine with restrictive Saturn. It is also important to note that Chiron the Wounded Healer is aligned in very close trine both the Sun and Saturn – so that a momentary grand trine formation occurs in the Water signs. The brilliance and...

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A Neptunian Weekend

A Neptunian Weekend

This weekend Neptune, god of oceanic feelings of unity and dissolver of boundaries, currently passing through his own sign of Pisces, hits two exact aspects by being trine to the Sun in Cancer and square to Venus in Gemini. This watery and dreamy archetype adds a hazy and magical flavor to these last few days of the Mercury Retrograde period just now ending. In his...

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