Happy Scorpio Season!

Happy Scorpio Season!

On October 23rd, the Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio! ABOUT SCORPIO: Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death and rebirth. Their emotions run deep. Scorpios have great personal magnetism and great powers of persuasion or even the ability to coerce others. Their will is strong,...

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Happy Libra Season!

Happy Libra Season!

On September 22nd, 2018, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra! It is also that special day of the year when the day is equal to the night- the Equinox. The Sun will move through Libra until October 22nd, at which point it will move into the next sign of Scorpio. About Libra: Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time...

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Happy Virgo Season!

Happy Virgo Season!

On August 22nd, the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo! About Virgo: Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. They may appear nervous or obsess over health issues. They are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of their life, although they may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where they have not yet found their guiding principle of...

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Mercury Retrograde July 2018:  Rediscovering Soul Radiance

Mercury Retrograde July 2018: Rediscovering Soul Radiance

Mercury stations retrograde at 23º Leo on July 25th, 2018, at 10:03pm PDT, and will travel backward through the zodiac until August 18th, where it will station direct at 12º Leo, moving forward again and finally escaping its retrograde shadow on September 1st. This summer of 2018 is presenting us with some very stormy astrological weather, and this...

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Happy Leo Season!

Happy Leo Season!

This year the Sun passes through the sign of Leo from July 22nd to August 22nd. It is a rich and powerful time, as we have a Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Mars Retrograde, and Mercury Retrograde all happening during this Leo Season. It's a potent time for growth, evolution, and positive change. Here is some general information on the zodiacal archetype of...

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