Aquarius Horoscope for September 2016

Aquarius Horoscope for September 2016

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

is a month of soul-level investigation and introspection for you, Aquarius, but it is not without its activity, and its rewards. Beginning with a powerful New Moon eclipse in your sector of intimacy and interior evolution, it takes you to places deep inside, in order to refresh your spirit and allow you to further explore parts of yourself that are uniquely your own. There is a fresh start implied as well for strong bonds with important partners. You are examining this area of intimate relationship with a meditative gaze that leads you into reconsidering every facet of it, reintegrating your understanding there into a more meaningful whole. You are coming to a new jumping-off point for closeness of connection based on communication and learning, and leaning toward an unusual and eminently personal form of career development that includes your most deeply ch Erished values.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift in energy in accordance with the very potent New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your intimacy sector, and also from the retrograde of Mercury, ruler of your sector of creative self-expression, through this same area of your chart. This is a powerful month for looking deeply within yourself to come to a better sense of integration between your deep desires and their realization, in terms of relationship with others, and also with yourself. This is a mystical and a confusing time for you as well, when nothing is quite as it seems, and when you feel the deep emotion of a spiritual drive within you that trumps almost every other consideration. This spirituality might be such that it does not readily find its actualization in institutionalized forms but rather in a sense of natural law or perennial wisdom that is in accord with all religions.

This has been an unusual year for getting to know yourself better on the inside, and for taking that to an unprecedented level of communication with colleagues and peers. You are, in essence, going for not only a better understanding of what drives you at these deeper levels of your psyche, but also how you can make inner goals a more fundamental part of the way that you conduct yourself in the projects that you take on, work-related and otherwise. In the course of an introspective monthly cycle you will further develop your ideas in this important and little-understood concept of self-exploration.

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