Aquarius Horoscope for August 2017

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a huge month for you, Aquarius, with the eclipses of August illuminating your seventh sector of relationship and interpersonal connection. Communicative outreach of all kinds is highlighted for you, especially after the 21st. The first three weeks of August could in some ways be considered as preparation for that final week, a time when significant relationships are emphasized, as well as the new perspectives that they bring. These factors peak with the Full Moon and lunar eclipse of August 7th, which is quite powerful for you, representing a culmination of relationship initiatives and the recognition of new identity for yourself. All this month, relationships are reborn, and also the significant intimacy that you have with your hidden parts. One important lesson of this entire month is that only when you are familiar with your own inner workings are you ready for the next stage of partnership.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Both Leo’s and Aquarians are experiencing one of the biggest months of the year this August. Eclipses are falling across two of the most personal and powerful houses of your charts, the first and seventh houses, on August 7th and August 21st respectively. So even though we are in the season of Leo this month, these eclipses will impact you just as much. Let’s take a closer look.

The first eclipse is a lunar eclipse in Aquarius (lunar eclipses always happen on Full Moons), on August 7th, and it happens in your first house. Traditionally, the first house was called the horoskopos, in Greek, which is where we get the word “horoscope” from, and it meant “the hour marker.” It was also called the “helm,” as in the steering wheel of the ship of life. In ancient astrology, the first house was the most important house of the birth chart because unlike the other houses, which pertained to many different topics or destiny paths within the native’s life, the first house belonged to the native him/herself. The first house is therefore most personally associated with the soul, the spirit, the character, the health, and the psychology of the individual. It is also associated with new beginnings or new enterprises, and the general navigational intelligence we bring to the journey of our life.

Lunar eclipses are like very powerful Full Moons; they bring culmination, closure or endings. So, when a lunar eclipse happens in your first house it’s an indication that an entire era of your life may be ending, while another is about to begin. Sometimes this manifests in terms of changes to your health, lifestyle, or appearance, or it may represent a very deep change of overall life purpose or direction, usually with the accompanying sense that something specific has reached its expiration date and that you’re completely ready to let go of something that is no longer serving you. Personal transformation is almost always hard to put into words; even when it involves clear and significant outer changes, like changing jobs or diets, or starting a new creative project, or becoming a parent or spouse, the real changes are happening within you.

The second eclipse is a solar eclipse in Leo (solar eclipses always happen on New Moons) on August 21st, and it happens in your seventh house of relationships. Solar eclipses are like powerful New Moons, bringing new beginnings or new opportunities. A solar eclipse in your seventh house means that while you are changing personally this month it’s also very possible that your relationships are changing. You might meet someone new, take an existing relationship much deeper, find someone new to partner with professionally or creatively, or find yourself changing the way you relate to others generally right now. The first and seventh house axis suggests that whenever we go through deep and substantive personal changes, our relationships also change. When we change in profound ways we attract new relationships or we relate to those we love or work with in a new way. While these changes can be exciting, they also bring their challenges. As an Aquarius, it’s easy for you to feel like an outsider or stranger, even among friends or lovers. Your challenge this month is therefore to embrace and love yourself, completely, and then bring that love to all your relationships, free from the feeling that you have anything to prove! The work you do now will prepare you for another series of eclipses coming into these houses during the winter of 2018! Good luck, Aquarius!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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