Aquarius Horoscope for November 2017

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2017

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of changing tides, Aquarius, for what you most deeply value and how you demonstrate these bottom line concerns. You are coming into the first half of November with an unrelenting curiosity about the way that things will concretely work out as you face your prospective years ahead. Your world view is sprouting new buds and flowering branches, being also localized within your inner world as well as your outer, and you seek to apply this newly centered understanding where it counts toward attempting to figure out your own evolving future. With the Full Moon of the first week of November you are adopting a mystical point of view as quite natural to you, alongside more practical considerations. You are making real world hay out of subtle other-dimensional fodder. There could be a level of confusion over material issues including finances, although these disappear when you make the figure-and-ground reversal of assuming Spirit as primary.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.

As much as you don't like to admit it, especially as a future-oriented Aquarius, every one of us has a past. And yours has been highlighted from May of this year and will continue to be through November of next year. What lessons, people, or situations seem to be reappearing in your life now? Are you paying attention or dismissing them as minor nuisances? You might as well accept it — your history isn't going away, and can either be a source of support or a drain on your creativity. To make it the former, it's time to embrace any aspects of your life you believe entraps you. The truth is, nothing can entrap us unless we're not inhabiting that part of ourselves. Rejecting any facet of your being creates the possibility of something else taking up residence there. I'm not saying your uncovering process will be comfortable, but it will always be beneficial.

Ask anyone who knows you well and they' likely agree that your personal banner might read: 'New Reality — This Way!!' But just like the rest of us, you oftentimes require the presence of others to make it happen; there's no use coming out with the next great invention if it won't actually benefit others. This is both an altruistic and capitalistic sentiment.

This month, your focus should strongly land on identifying and attracting those specific people and groups who have something you need to further your revolutionary goals, be it material, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. Your planets, Saturn and Uranus, will deliver plenty of new personnel options to you. You just need to keep an open mind, especially if some of them don't initially match your picture of who's aligned to your goals. This bears repeating — don't look this month's gift horse(s) in the mouth. You never know what a new ally can do for you if you don't stop pre-judging them that they've got nothing for you. Give the new people in your life the chance to surprise you. One of these surprises may come from a new love interest (due to a potent placement of Venus), or someone with whom you share a strong attraction. Whatever shape they come in, Mercury this month is begging you to start announcing your plans, your start-up, your progress, your need, and your excitement! People will listen.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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