Aquarius Horoscope for August 2018

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The roller coaster ride of an exciting summer continues, Aquarius. You are coming into the current month on the heels of a lunar eclipse in your sign, conjunct retrograde Mars, signifying that you are quite aware of your underlying motivations vis-à-vis your own self-development, including career choices and learning/communication involving peers. You are also very invested in home and family concerns. There is as well a pronounced spotlight on important partners in your life, a studied focus that increases mightily with the solar eclipse of August 11th. The week of August 6th is especially potent, culminating in this third eclipse of a volatile summer, the New Moon taking place that Saturday in your opposite sign. All along, yet another important goal continues to be better understanding yourself deep down inside. Your reliance on the relative solidity of your interior realms has never been in doubt, at least not recently, and by now has assumed epic proportions, as the road to self-knowledge and peace of mind.

Your month begins with a dramatic and intense square from Mars retrograde in your home sign of Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of family. This square comes on the heels of the even more powerful lunar eclipse, which was conjoined with Mars retrograde in Aquarius, on July 27th. It doesn’t get more personally transformative and intense than what Aquarians are going through right now. The recent lunar eclipse, plus the Mars retrograde in your first house, is an indication of serious personal challenges, change, reform, and transformation. As the first house is the house of health and vitality, you might be ready for a totally new health regiment, or you might be riding the waves of a personal healing crisis. Whatever the case might be, the month begins with a repeat of the same dynamic themes and a similar message: awaken, transform, change, and confront your own shadow side. On the other hand, given the heaviness of these energies, you might be dealing with feelings of frustration, depression, or lethargy; you might be learning how to better manage your anger or how to use your will power more effectively. The square from Mars to Uranus in your fourth house also suggests changes, innovation, or disruption related to your home and family life, or regarding land and property. The desire to be free or independent might be incredibly strong right now but remember that burning bridges or making violent separations or declarations of independence will only perpetuate a cycle of alienation, violence, and hurt down the road. You may need to cut some unhealthy cords from your past, but just remember that we end up alone in this world when we do nothing but focus on our differences with others, rather than focusing on what brings us together.

Between August 6th and 9th, Venus will enter Libra in your ninth house of higher mind, and square Saturn in your twelfth house, suggesting the need for friendship and partners rooted in shared struggles, shared beliefs, shared questions, or a shared love of higher knowledge, art, and culture. Remember that true spiritual companionship is rare, and even with the best of friends, so that compromise is always required!

Meanwhile, much of the month Mercury will be retrograde in Leo within your seventh house of relationships. This transit will also be punctuated by a solar eclipse in the sign of Leo taking place on August 11th. As you are changing, your relationships are changing. As your partners are changing or encountering challenges, so are you. This has been the situation for a while now, ever since eclipses started appearing one after another in Aquarius and Leo, dating back to the winter of 2016-2017. However, Mercury Retrograde during the midst of this eclipse suggests a period of revision, reform, or reversals in your partnerships, as well. It’s therefore a good time to renegotiate, find common ground, work toward compromises, or to give your partner the chance to rethink their own position on something. If you are single, then note that this final eclipse in Leo may signal the beginning of a new relationship or perhaps the reappearance of someone from your past. Either way, by August 18th when Mercury turns direct and the final eclipse in your seventh house is said and done, you will have completed a longer season of transformative work in the arena of love and partnerships. What have you learned, and how will you move forward considering all the growth that you’ve done'

Finally, on August 26th the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your second house, while Venus in Libra in your ninth house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house. The Full Moon here shines its light on the topics of money, resources, and values, while the Venus/Pluto square emphasizes deeper encounters surrounding relationships, taboo or exotic topics, travel, faith, religion, and/or higher education. Be careful of the impulsive travel or educational expense, or the desire to spend a lot of money on a passing interest in something that you are feeling drawn to but may not sustain your interest over the long haul. On the other hand, it could be an excellent time to reconsider your financial strategyor to invest in your own personal healing. The Full Moon in the second house, given the Venus/Pluto square can also speak to the need to get your material urges or habits under control. When you say yes to your most base desire too many times in a row, it usually leads to not being able to say no to things that are progressively worse for you. As an Aquarius, you are at your best when you remain in an enlightened and objective position, engaged in the world but not entirely “of the world,” either.

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