Aquarius Horoscope for January 2018

Aquarius Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a huge watershed for you, Aquarius, when you move closer to a true integration of mind and heart. Your scientific bent has taken you far; now you must transition to a more universal viewpoint that takes soul purpose, as revealed to you in dreams and visions, more directly into account. Learning and communication are key elements of this rather massive shift in values and in worldview. Self-knowledge morphs into scooping up information about almost everything, since developing trends and future issues are an integral part of your spiritual growth. As you evolve toward greater self-understanding, this must intimately involve the hidden layers below the surface of your personality, so that you are moving in a sort of fog for the first three weeks of January. After the 19th, and more particularly by the very end of the month with the Leo Full Moon, you are making a brand new beginning for active interpersonal involvement.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Aquarius! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your twelfth house to stay for the next two to three years.

The twelfth house was traditionally the house of self-undoing, prisons, hospitals, and shipwreck. The true lesson there is that If you can accept your own suffering, if you can learn to live with it rather than in denial of it, then you have also discovered a source of joy that is beyond the ups and downs of this world. There is perhaps no better place to come to terms with the reality of suffering than the twelfth house. Traditionally, Saturn was also said to “rejoice” in the twelfth house, and this is really the silver lining of this transit. There is no planet more willing to find the beauty in a rainy day, a period of loneliness, or an introspective walk in the middle of wintertime. Saturn’s wisdom in the midst of suffering is like that very subtle smile you sometimes see on the face of the Buddha. You are also no stranger to Saturn because as an Aquarius, Saturn is your traditional ruling planet. Saturn was long ago, prior to the discovery of Uranus, related to outsiders, outcasts, geniuses, and rebels, if you can believe it, and that’s because Saturn is the distant outlier in our solar system. Saturn sees the big picture in the same way that an introspective artist or mystic may be in the world while realizing they are never really “of the world.” For the next few years you may find that the veil is significantly thinner, and yet you are feeling more at home, more grounded, and more capable of dealing with life’s challenges and uncertainties. Call it an existential time of transition, or call it a liminal space, but after these few years are over and Saturn enters your first house in 2020, you will be a wiser person and likely ready to begin a very new and exciting chapter in your life. The twelfth house gives us clarity for as much as we’re willing to be content to wander for a time. As Gandalf once said, “all who wander are not lost.”

The first of the month will feature a Full Moon in Cancer in your sixth house. The sixth house was traditionally called the “joy of Mars,” and was related to military training, hard work or labor, enemies, chronic health issues, and the general suffering and labor of everyday human life. It may sound rough, but many of the world’s most passionate advocates, fighters, and servants have natal planets in the sixth house. With a Full Moon in this house to start the month it’s a great time to seek or give physical or psychological healing. It’s also a great time for being of service in the world, or perhaps in your family. This is a charitable, nurturing Moon in your sixth house, but it may also make you a little more sensitive to the suffering of others. Make sure to stay in your body for this transit because its reward is a deeper sense of empathy, which can be a little difficult for an airy sign like Aquarius.

On January 6th, Mars will move into a conjunction with Jupiter in Scorpio in your tenth house of career. This is an outstanding time for professional achievement, recognition, or opportunities for advancement. You might be in the midst of launching a new project or putting yourself out there with greater strength and charisma. It’s not easy for Aquarians to self-promote, let alone to do so with a great deal of emotional charisma, but this is your moment to shine and to allow yourself to be more vulnerable, honest, and personal with the world. People care about what’s inside of you as much as they care about your ideas or your intellectual poise, so don’t be afraid to really sing your song this month!

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and immediately conjoin with Saturn in your twelfth house. This is a very good time to create a personal sanctuary of rest, recuperation, quiet, and meditation. The messages you can receive now are quite profound, if you can take the time to really listen and retreat from the world. If you’re not able to do something like this, then at least try to give yourself some time each day for introspection. Mercury entering the twelfth is like a messenger from the underworld, promising to enlighten us. Many of the obstacles we face in life exist in our minds. This is a transit that can help us to finally understand the truth about something that has been eluding us.

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also in your twelfth house, and in conjunction with Venus. This second half of the month thus represents a fresh start with matters that carry you to hidden places within you. You may want to pay close attention to your dreams or other indications of the plentiful psychic activity taking place below the level of conscious awareness.

Next, on January 17th, Venus will move into Aquarius and enter your first house. This is a very lovely and even lucky transit. Venus in your first house is like that saying, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!” With Venus in your first it’s easier to feel optimistic and attractive, and it’s just a little easier for the negative vibes to roll of you. Be careful of arrogance or vanity during this time, and be mindful not to be overly indulgent, but otherwise use this time to share yourself with others just a little more openly, and don’t be afraid to start a new creative project or maybe even a new relationship.

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your eleventh house of friends, allies, benefactors, and hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future. This is a great transit for joining movements or finding allies who are just as passionate as yourself, with likely the same philosophical or spiritual values. Be careful of contentions and power struggles among friends and allies because Mars definitely loves a good grudge match. This is also a powerful time for formulating a new dream or goal for your future.

Then, the Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign taking place on the 31st will kick you into high gear for relationships and mystical valuations. It may help to remember, with Mars newly entered into your eleventh, that this can be very impulsive time as well, and though you’re in a period of career expansion with Jupiter in your tenth house, with Saturn just entering your twelfth house you truly won’t be able to predict exactly how your life is going to be changing in the next two to three years. So, steady as she goes. Take opportunities where you find them, and yet refrain from being too impulsive or looking for overly simple solutions to complex problems.

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