Aquarius Horoscope for June 2018

Aquarius Horoscope for June 2018

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an energetic and quite changeable month of June, Aquarius, just the way you like it. A fortunate placement of Jupiter in your career sector, your tenth house, gives indications that your work in the world is going well, and bringing concrete returns in terms of resources, standards, and finances. Your beliefs and your deeper values are also strongly implicated, and there is a rather strong propensity to promote and defend them verbally. You have an enormous focus on the unconscious forces within your psyche that drive you from below. With your ruler, Uranus, now in your fourth house, you have an internal spotlight on issues of home and family. After the June 13th New Moon, relationships are empowered, with attention also on the inner wounding that can sometimes arise to trouble them. All in all, this is a positive indication of your ability to better understand and ultimately to move beyond these issues into greater wholeness.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s going to be a very powerful summer for Aquarians, thanks to the planet Mars turning retrograde in your first house this month. This transit comes on the heels of Uranus last month, entering Taurus and moving into your house of home, family, and property. This area has been subject to an extra dose of variability and also attention for these past two weeks, leading up to the current month. Uranus will be activated by a close square to Mars all summer, so these two planets will continue to play prominently in your monthly horoscopes for a few months to come. Let’s look at what else is happening this month.

Between June 5th and 6th, Venus in Cancer in your sixth house of labor, sickness and service will be moving through an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house of self-undoing, hospitals, and healing. With several transits making oppositions through these two houses this month the themes of healing, hospitals, sickness, and service, or alone-time, introspection, contemplation, and mystical realization are pronounced. The opposition of Venus to Pluto through these houses will likely bring up issues of love and health, cleanliness and service to others, or deeper introspection around your relationships or relationship challenges. As an Aquarius it’s easy for you to stay somewhat aloof to the deeper emotional realities within yourself and others. This is an opportunity for you to recognize and grow through a time of emotional confrontation and healing.

At nearly the same time, between June 6th and 7th, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Gemini in your fifth house of children, creativity, and joy, and simultaneously square to Neptune in your second house of money, values and resources. If you’re living in denial about habits or behaviors that are harming you more than providing you with real, abiding peace and happiness, then now is the time to remove the veil of ignorance and try listening to the truth. A shift in values right now is dependent upon the level of honesty and mental clarity you are willing to bring to the situation you find yourself in. You may also find that there are expenses related to children, or play, right now, or you may also find that you are both intellectually and creatively stimulated by this transit. It’s a good time for communication and imagination to cooperate and create something brand new together.

On June 13th, the New Moon in Gemini will also land in your fifth house. At the same time, Mars will conjoin the South Node of the Moon in your first house of health, self, and new beginnings. Again, with the fifth house highlighted while Mars is conjunct the South Node in the first house, you may be addressing habits or behaviors that might appear fun or enjoyable but are somewhat toxic or destructive. You may be considering a personal change or transformation of health or behavior in relation to your children and considerations about their future. Or you might be tapping into your natural wisdom, or perhaps the wisdom of your past lives, and expressing yourself both courageously and creatively at the same time.

Between June 14th and 15th, Venus in Leo in your seventh house of love and relationships will square Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of home and property. Here the themes of freedom, defiance, and originality in relationships is highlighted. It’s not uncommon to see relationships temporarily separate or to move out of your family’s home or to part way with friends or roommates. The need for greater personal freedom and/or self-expression is very strong under this transit, but you should be careful not to burn bridges or to act too impulsively.

On June 15th, Mercury in Cancer in the sixth house will oppose Saturn in Capricorn in your twelfth house, placing an emphasis once again on the topics of health and healing, sickness and service. This transit also focuses on themes of communication, mental and emotional health, and the need to find balance between emotions, needs, and feelings and responsibility, discipline and duty. We are all growing up constantly, even when we’re very old, and this is because the real maturation process is spiritual and not merely physical. You may also find that you are naturally a voice of wisdom, experience, and insight for others who are hurting at this time. As one of the natural “outsiders” of the zodiac, you are a good friend to those who are suffering, misunderstood, or on the outside looking in.

On June 21st the Summer Solstice in Cancer, in your sixth house of service, sickness, the workplace, brings a special importance to these areas of your life. This same day, Venus in Leo in your seventh house of love and relationships will oppose Mars in Aquarius in your first house of self, health, and new beginnings. Watch for themes of sexual or creative tension in relationships, and differences or negotiations of values in relationships. You are likely trying to figure out what constitutes healthy independence versus a healthy level of dependence right now. Just remember, as a Saturn ruled sign (traditionally speaking Aquarius was ruled by Saturn) you tend to be comfortable remaining somewhat distant and aloof, even while being very social and friendly with others. You may be feeling exceedingly independent right now with Mars about to turn retrograde in your first house, so just be careful not to alienate others, even as you may need to make decisions that are more self-focused.

June 23rd Mercury in Cancer in your sixth house is now opposing Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house. Look for themes of honesty, depth, catharsis, and confrontation. You are read to change your mind or to change the minds of others thanks to being in a more vulnerable and emotionally honest position. Remember that when we see ourselves in others, and others see themselves in us, when genuine empathy is created, we begin to communicate on levels that are entirely different from the level of exchanging mere words, ideas, and information.

Then on June 25th, Venus in Leo in your seventh house of love and relationships will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your tenth house of career. Venus and Jupiter combinations almost always produce an aura of success, wealth, growth, and abundance, not to mention good luck and enthusiasm. However, they also produce extravagance and they frequently over promise and under deliver. Right now, you might be meeting people in or through work who are providing you with opportunities for growth, romance, or success. Or your partner may be experiencing some degree or success, or you might be looking at ways to partner with someone new for the sake of starting a new business or creative project. Just remember that big shiny things don’t usually stay big and shiny for long. Like all things in the material world, beauty fades and becomes routine, and often laborious, in time, whereas our investments in spiritual life endure beyond the fluctuations and changes of the material world.

Finally, on June 27th, the Full Moon comes through and energizes everything, in particular, for you, the area of unconscious process, so that your dreams become important in sorting things out. Just one day prior, Mars turns retrograde in your first house. When Mars retrogrades just one day prior, in your first house, especially for such a long time (this Mars retrograde will be in your first house all the way into August!), the following themes become dominant: health and self-care, the need to recreate ones physical body or routines or habits related to health, anger and temper, learning how to be bold if you are self-effacing, learning how to be patient if you are impulsive, learning how to be constructively critical if you tend to be harsh, learning how to let others lead if you tend to dominate, recognizing your own limits or areas in which you are somewhat powerless, or losing interest or passion in things that once excited you. These themes are powerful all summer, so that you have a longer period than usual to adjust to the new ideas and attitudes that will come to you. We will continue to check in over the summer months, and offer further insights and helpful suggestions for navigating this one!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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