Aquarius Horoscope for October 2018

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Aquarius, with an impulse for being out there in the world with a strong showing, and yet also to instead pay greater attention to your own inner world. There is movement in the way that you see your unconscious process as an important wellspring of your actions. You are also more fully invested in issues of home, and family, and are coming from an introspective place with Mars emerging from retrograde motion and once again, for the third time, coming through the first degrees of your sign. As issues of your own identity resolve, another retrograde looms this month and that is of Venus, moving backward through your sector of outer world activities. This gives you a boost for re-examining these, and thereby looking under the covers of all your professional motivations. In spite of any contrary influences that attempt to derail this effort, you are more open than ever to spiritual values these days and inclined to fight to uphold them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

opportunity this month to reflect deeply on your life direction, and the first layer of this process will involve taking time out to consider the way your unconscious beliefs have played a direct role in shaping your life journey. It may be time to call ideas and beliefs into question, to begin a process of learning something new or to recommit yourself to your spiritual path. Watch for the messages you are receiving in dreams, and don’t be surprised if the quality of the conversations you are having right now is more intensely transformative than ordinarily.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in your tenth house of career, initiating a process of revisioning and alteration in your professional life. It’s possible that you will be switching careers, resigning or rescinding professional contracts, or dealing with significant changes of personnel in your workplace. But these changes are in some ways only symptoms of a much deeper process taking place right now, where you are weighing a variety of different options at once both professionally and relationally. We often ask ourselves the question, “What do I see for myself five years from now'” but we rarely ask, “What do I want 200 years from now'” The latter requires that we remember ourselves as divine/eternal beings, and while it may seem outlandish to consider such a timeline, it’s exactly this kind of depth that is required from you right now if you want to make the kinds of changes that will lead to lasting happiness rather than short-term patch-ups.

On October 8th, the New Moon falls in Libra in your ninth house of higher mind, pointing to the importance of faith and belief, learning, foreign perspectives and possibly travel. It’s important that you remain balanced and level-headed right now because they are all potential learning opportunities if you can stay open minded toward whatever choices or challenges you are currently being confronted with. Pluto in Capricorn and your twelfth house of unconscious process also comes into this picture, implying that significant changes are taking place deep within your psyche.

On October 10th, Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your tenth house of career will square Mars in Aquarius in your home sign of Aquarius, and at the same time, Mercury enters Scorpio, there to oppose rebellious Uranus in the sign of Taurus in your fourth house of home and family. This represents a moment of truth and decision for you. How is your inner life, or family or home environment, being affected by your work life, and vice versa' What kinds of personal goals are you setting for yourself, and what kinds of value or priority conflicts are you sorting through as you recommit yourself to your most passionate goals and dreams' It’s possible that an innovative idea or solution will present itself to you right now, effectively helping you balance a variety of demands that are all being placed on you.

On October 11th, the Sun in Libra in your ninth house of the higher mind will square Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence. In the classic Indian scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna famously tells Arjuna, “You are made of faith.” We all put our faith in something, and even if that something appears unformed or uncertain, we cannot help but believe in the relevance of whatever we are doing, or not doing, with our lives. Right now, once again, despite whatever changes may be happening in the externals, the real question underlying it all has to do with how your beliefs are currently shaping your path, for better or worse. With your ruling planet, Saturn, located in your twelfth house since last December 2017, you are likely moving through a period of wandering, doubting, and inner contemplation. Nobody can tell you what you should do, but if you are honest with yourself, and if you take time to listen to the still and quiet voice within, you will know the difference between the path that dissatisfies and the path that you can put your faith in.

On October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your tenth house of career will square Mars in your home sign of Aquarius. Watch for themes of mental stress, speed, or tension, analysis, study, skill development, argumentation, confrontation, and debate, especially in relation to the workplace. You may have to take a stand for yourself, or be your own advocate, explaining clearly to others what you can and cannot do or demonstrating your knowledge or expertise on the job in high pressure situations.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of home and family and oppose the Sun and Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your tenth house of career. With Venus in Scorpio also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 30th, and then moving backward into Libra the next day, the end of the month packs a punch. It’s likely that changes in both the professional and domestic areas are culminating at once. You may be moving or relocating for a new job, or there might be tension between family needs and career demands. These are recurring themes throughout the entire month, and so things will likely be coming to a head at this time. Just know that unless you truly believe in the changes you are making, it will only be a matte of time before the same crisis of faith and belief will return!

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