Aquarius Horoscope for August 2019

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2019

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an entirely mystical month of August, Aquarius, filled with dazzling intuitional realizations. It is also a month of novel partnership understandings and brilliantly creative conceptions regarding the significance for you of relationship. This is perhaps a time to balance your characteristic urge for space with the competing urge to settle into deeper connection with a current or a prospective partner. You have been mulling over your relationship dynamic for the past several weeks, and also giving yourself much food for thought regarding your most appropriate mission statement for this lifetime. Also featured now are profound pathways to interior landscapes; the places within your psyche beyond and below the surface layers of consciousness. You will discover great treasure once you make the commitment to suspend your ordinary senses, hold your breath, and dive down. You emerge from the tunnel of this inner excursion with better integration and greater faith in your process, so that you automatically have the courage to simply be your honest self, at all costs.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just after a New Moon in Leo in your seventh house of relationships, and just as Sun, Moon, and Venus in Leo are making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of home, family, and property. The month is therefore pointed in the direction of new developments and powerful transformations happening in both your relationships and close friendships, as well as within your family or in relation to your home-life in general. Given the tension between Venus and Uranus present to start the month, it is likely that questions of personal freedom, experimentation, and the need to break out of well-defined traditions or routines will be pronounced.

Late on July 31st, also, or early Thursday, August 1st, Mercury will turn direct in Cancer after several weeks of being retrograde in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. This is welcome news. If you have been experiencing any illness, or emotional turmoil, or if you’ve been waiting patiently for something that got delayed in the past few weeks, you may see things start to recover and pick up positive momentum. You may also notice that challenging emotional and communicative dynamics in the family are leading to some healthy insights and that you are now ready to put those insights into action.

Between August 5th to August 8th, the Sun and Venus in Leo will make trines to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups. This is a great little window of time within which to connect with others, to meet new people or allies, or to see benefits, blessings, and opportunities for growth coming through your significant others.

On August 11th, Mercury will then enter Leo and move into your seventh house of relationships, just as Uranus is turning retrograde in Taurus in your fourth house of home and family, and just as Jupiter is turning direct in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and allies. This sequence suggests that your foundation might be shifting or shaking at the exact same time that new and exciting people or creative opportunities are entering your life. The only thing to be careful of here is that you not let the need for independence, freedom, and experimentation, compromise important relationships or lead you into rigid thinking.

On August 15th, the Full Moon in Aquarius will fall in your first house and home sign. With the Moon’s ruler, Saturn in your twelfth house, you may need to take time out from the daily grind in order to reflect more deeply on what is arising within you now. The need to clarify your own position, views or feelings, within the context of your relationships is going to be very important considering how much energy is being placed on both personal and larger group or professional relationship dynamics this month.

On August 18th, Mars will enter Virgo and move into your eighth house, where it will stay for more than a month to come. This transit may bring up the potential for losses, conflict, or general challenges related to money and relationships. Mars may also emphasize the potential for conflicts of value in relationship, or the tendency to criticize one another. Be especially careful about making fear-based decisions. While Mars in Virgo is like the steady hand of a surgeon, it can also be like the obsessive and critical inner voice that will not let us relax.

Finally, between August 23rd and 25th, Venus will conjoin Mars in Virgo, followed by Mercury entering Virgo on August 29th and a New Moon in Virgo on August 30th. With so much emphasis on the eighth house of death and rebirth coming to tone the lunation cycle ahead, it’s important that you engage in whatever mindful, spiritual practices you may have, or perhaps think about taking one up if you don’t have any yet. The eighth house Virgo stellium may easily bring up your fears and worries around security and finances, or it may push you to make a compromise of your values due to living in a state of fear or anxiety. Try not to let the thoughts or needs of others compromise you and listen instead to the gentle and kind voice of knowing that lives inside of you. IF you do this, the weeks ahead will likely lead to a kind of fearless, thoughtful, and thorough level of productivity.

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