Aquarius Horoscope for March 2019

Aquarius Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is somewhat of a departure for you, Aquarius, as your evolutionary arc begins to include developments on the home front. These could include changes in your dwelling space or its location, your family of origin, your current familial dynamics, or investigating the very roots of your being. Although your intuition has been aware far longer, the kick-off for these themes to emerge into greater conscious awareness will be the potent Pisces New Moon of March 6th. This is when Mercury is also retrograde, through your resources sector, and when Uranus, your ruler, is newly entered into your sector of home and family. Your possessions and your finances are subject to new thinking and perhaps a certain degree of confusion, or even self-deception. Regarding the material side of your existence, you are trying for a big-picture viewpoint, looking for the spiritual inner meaning. Your self-development in fact depends upon more closely examining what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your personality.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started with Venus in Capricorn in the twelfth house of dissolution making a square to Uranus in Aries in the third house of the mind, indicating a moment of erratic mental and emotional tension in your relationships. The good news is that just after the square completes, Venus will move into your home sign of Aquarius, bringing themes beauty, harmony, peace, and health to the forefront of your life for much of the month to come.
On March 6th, the New Moon in Pisces will conjoin with Neptune in your second house just as Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces. The topics of money, resources, and the organization or reprioritization of your finances and energy are at the heart of the lunar cycle to come. With Mercury and Neptune dancing together all month long, the boundAries between reality and fantasy might be quite porous, so remember to be discerning, even as you welcome the deeper emotional sensitivity of this transit.
On the same day, March 6th, the planet Uranus will enter your fourth house where it will begin to stimulate a series of deeply revolutionary events in the realm of home and family over the months and years to come (Uranus will be in your fourth house and the sign of Taurus now until 2026!).
Between March 14th and March 20th, Mars in Taurus in your fourth house will make trines to both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house. You’re going to be working through some deeply seated issues in your home and family this month, but the good news is that these transits from Mars to Saturn and Pluto are both trines, which means that long-term benefits may grow out of the shadows you are facing on the home front.

On March 20th, the Sun will cross into the sign of Aries and move into your third house of communication and the mind, immediately conjoining Chiron, the wounded Healer. At the same time, the Full Moon in Libra will pass through your ninth house of the higher mind. Considering that the rulers of the Spring Equinox and Full Moon, Venus and Mars, are also squaring one another between your first and fourth houses (self and home), it’s likely that you are going through something of a personal and philosophical transformation, especially in relation to domestic matters. Or, you could be traveling or hitting the road temporarily in order to take care of something related to domestic matters.

Finally, between March 24th and April 2nd, Mercury in Pisces will conjoin Neptune in your second house of money and resources, Venus will enter your second house, and then Mercury will turn direct, and conjunct Neptune one more time. By mid-April, therefore, the fog should be lifting regarding financial matters, and Venus sojourning in your second house certainly brings an aura of harmony and good fortune to the house of livelihood, but you should still try to keep both feet on the ground when it comes to making important decisions about money or considering significant purchases.

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