Aquarius Horoscope for February 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Aquarius, with issues of identity emerging front and center while you are also drawn to meditate on the impact that comfort and homey surroundings have upon you. You are coming into a new idea of spirituality, a natural sense of the divinity of everyday life. The months-long development within you to more freely admit the validity of fuzzy logic may be by this February timeframe taking hold. With the Full Moon on the late evening of February 8th, your relationship dynamic with important partners becomes another key to inward success that you won’t want to miss out on. The second half of the month, after the 16th, is an especially introspective time period, with Mercury in retrograde through your second solar sector, so that you will be studying your values. Throughout, it is much to your advantage to pay close attention to inner promptings corresponding to intuitional reality, even though these run counter to strictly rational formulations that only give you part of the story.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Sun is still in Aquarius for half of the month bringing a brand new cycle of growth for you Water Bearers. The First Quarter Moon arrives on February 1st, moving you out of your comfort zone; what you initiated around the New Moon in Aquarius two weeks ago is now being tested. Questions surrounding your worth and your contribution will come up and it is for you to decide where you want to invest your time and resources. This is a big theme at the beginning of the month as you revise your finances. A good time to assess what is coming in versus what is going out. Time management could be an issue right now; it's to prioritize, and sort out the essentials for right now versus what can be done later. Mercury enters Pisces on February 3rd where it will turn retrograde later this month. On February 4th and 5th, Mercury sextile Uranus in Taurus sparks ideas connected to your income and your home base. This aspect will happen again on March 21st, repeating creative projects first arising at this time that could also be lucrative. If you are looking to generate revenue while being at home, this moment could be the occasion for fresh insights.

Venus enters Aries on February 7th (until March 4th) signaling a time of increased communication for you. You should have more energy to handle emails, paperwork, and phone calls that were on the back burner. Creative writing might reveal itself to be insightful regarding your unconscious processes, and could be a nice practice to explore this month.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Leo in the late evening of February 8th/9th. The important people in your life, your key partnerships, now come to the forefront. Recent commitments or the lack thereof could be a hot topic while powerful emotions arise. Relationships continue to be a constant work in progress, with compromise needed from both parties. A Full Moon represent a time of culmination and because this one connects you directly to your allies, it is an excellent occasion to open your heart and let yourself be seen. If fully opening your feelings feels too vulnerable, you can simply show gratitude with small tokens of appreciation.

Venus conjuncts Chiron in Aries on February 10th offering opportunities to heal strained relationships. Don’t shy away from communicating, because your words could offer much comfort to your inner self that is trying to heal.

Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces on February 16th (until March 9th). For you, it signals the beginning of a revision period regarding your income, your assets, and your values. This particular Mercury Retrograde will highlight many of magical ideas you have been contemplating in recent months and how to realize them. It’s an excellent opportunity to evaluate your current financial situation and where you want to take it in 2020. Delineate a strategy on how you can combine your creativity with your income and generate that cash flow. On the same day, Mars enters Capricorn where it will spend the next month and a half excavating some of your deeply ingrained patterns. There is a major house-cleaning happening in the soul sector of your chart. You are in the process of shedding long held patterns or inherited behaviors that have become limiting. Mars transiting in Capricorn until the end of March will prompt you to clear out old resentments, but also connect more deeply to your own source of power and resolve.

The Sun leaves your sign to enter Pisces on February 18th as we slowly start to move over the next thirty days towards the end of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Your aim and direction for the year are becoming clearer in the second half of the month. Income will continue to be a hot topic as you try to align what you want with how you spend your days. There is still much internal shifting taking place and you should give yourself some time to contemplate your options. Do not rush any decisions at this time. You have a lot of ideas in gestation and its important to let them mature a little bit longer before they are ready to be birthed.

The New Moon on February 23rd takes place in the sign of Pisces representing a powerful time of inception in the realm of your finances. This New Moon is tied in with the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces representing a mixed bag of influences. The New Moon always brings a forward momentum and the beginning of something. However, with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces it could mean that some things still need to be sorted out. Mars in Capricorn sextile this New Moon indicates that big aspirations will be made possible with long-term planning and hard work. Mercury and the Sun will meet in the sign of Pisces for their inferior conjunction on February 25th. This is an important marker in the retrograde cycle that can ultimately offer clear solutions to your recent dilemmas. Pay attention to what arises at this time as it could definitely offer you some clues on how to proceed.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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