Aquarius Horoscope for November 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another in the series of intense months for you, Aquarius, based on potent astrological indications. You have been evolving from the inside out for nearly all of this climactic 2020 year. Your educational and travel opportunities have also contributed. In the current month, things come to a head, as home and family concerns help to illuminate the need for external manifestation of all that you hold inside. During November’s first half, with Mars retrograde, you continue evaluating and reevaluating your belief system, and also how well this corresponds to your actual career choices. After the Scorpio New Moon of mid-November, there is a more distinctly active agenda for taking a stand on your deeper principles and values. This is as you can come to know these, through self-study and internal examination. You have your mandate from the universe, and you must respond on one level or another, articulating to the world at large where exactly you are coming from, and then preceding to begin acting upon this realization.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You may have been feeling quite restless since the New Moon in Libra in mid-October which triggered your desire for new experiences. Unfortunately, your ability to move in the world in these Covid times has been quite limited, and your sense of perspective may have suffered in the process. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio for the last three weeks has forced you to assess the territory of your ambitions, and raise the bar so that you can rekindle a sense of purpose in your life. After an extended period of soul searching you may feel ready to begin on a new journey. Even though progressing could feel slow at the moment, you are starting to regain some hold on your ambitions.

Creativity is sparked at the beginning of the month with transiting Venus in Libra. Mercury still retrograde re-entered Libra at the end of October. These two planets in Libra emphasize your long-term perspective. Mercury stations direct in Libra on November 3rd which could rekindle your spirit of adventure. Your desire to explore new territory may be aroused, and it could be a good time to step out of your comfort zone. Your overall desire for new experiences colors the beginning of the month. 

Stepping out into the unknown may however come with its fair share of preparation, and hard work, as Mercury squares Saturn in Capricorn from the beginning of the month through to November 7th. You can set your mind on a long-term goal but every great enterprise requires careful planning. The square between Mercury and Saturn already occurred once at the end of September; it may be that something you were trying to accomplish then, is only now ready to come to fruition. You could gain clarity on an idea, an opportunity, or a situation that presented itself a month and a half ago.

Venus in Libra opposes Mars retrograde in Aries on the 9th while Mercury now moving direct re-enters the sign of Scorpio. You could find yourself busy at work dealing with logistics during the second week of November. The pace of things is certainly increasing after an extended period of standstill, and you could start to see the manifestations of the plans you laid out a month ago. Mars in Aries stationing direct on November 13th could also add to your overall busyness. You may need to rethink your schedule, and your workflow, as you get more active in the following weeks.

The New Moon in Scorpio late evening of the 14th, or early morning on November 15th carries a dynamic renewal in connection with your vocational pursuits. You may start to intuit what you want more distinctly even though the shape of things to come is still obscured. It could be a good time to connect with your ambitions, and write down some of your objectives. Saturn and Jupiter entering your sign at the end of the year will support the execution of your long term goals especially if you are willing to invest time and effort. The New Moon in Scorpio sextiles Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, also creating tons of power behind your intentions at this time. You may need a combination of faith and gut feeling to really hone in on your true desires.

Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus for a second time on November 17th, an aspect that already occurred in mid-October. Your ambitions do not seem to be diminishing, and this aspect between Mercury and Uranus could also serve to highlight the need to rethink living arrangements to align yourself with new career momentum.  

Venus enters Scorpio on November 21st followed by the Sun entering Sagittarius, for the next 30 days. The Sun in Sagittarius illuminates your alliances, and the role you play in your community, while Venus in Scorpio brings a connective energy in your career realms. It may be a good time to put yourself out there more actively in order to find the opportunities you need. Talking with others should feel easier now that Mars is moving direct in Aries.

The end of the month ends with a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in the sign of Gemini. This takes place in the early morning hours of November 30th and carries a potent incentive for the creative sector of your chart. The eclipses on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis will continue to occur all the way to the end of 2021, and might have the effects of urging you to find greater ease in expressing your unique ideas. This first eclipse of the season is a call to tend to your self-expression, and your need for joy. When you connect to your muse and give yourself permission to be playful, the whole world smiles back at you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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