Aquarius Horoscope for January 2021

Aquarius Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather strange month for you, Aquarius, with the same societal and personal difficulties as in previous months, and yet with several novel twists. In this new year timing, you will find yourself investigating your internal depths with far greater attention than usual, and to greater purpose. Groups, friendships, your connection to society in general, and your future plans, also get an extreme boost for you, and focus, in this transition. Your very identity, how you see yourself in the world and interacting with others, is also on the cosmic agenda, with Saturn and Jupiter newly residing in Aquarius. In particular, the second weekend of January is quite significant, because Mercury joins these two important “social planets” in your sign. Outer world performance joins inner investigations in this thoughtful two- or three-week period at the beginning of January, and this represents an unconscious process of deep intuition, although these topics are also the subject of a great deal of conscious thought. You are enjoined to seize the day in this new year timing; the consequences of this first month will be felt all through 2021, and strongly reflected in your relationships as well at month’s end.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Welcome to 2021, dear Aquarius! You who love to explore novel things will find that the spotlight is on you as we begin the year. This is because with Saturn and Jupiter now firmly installed in your sign, you have tons of energy for investing in yourself. You may have had the privilege to see in the nighttime skies the conjunction between these two planets, occurring exact on the Solstice, which heralded the beginning of a 200-year Air sign period for this important world transit. For you personally, Saturn and Jupiter transiting in your sign means you may be ready to step up your game and get serious about your long term goals. These two planets will bring constructive energy to your sign and can help you build stronger foundations in your life.

The year begins with the Sun still transiting in Capricorn along with Mercury. You may be feeling contemplative and in need of solitude during the first half of the month. Introspection will feel restorative, and it’s a good time to take stock of the past year before the Sun enters your sign on the 19th of January. Mercury sextiles Neptune in Pisces on the 1st, and this augments intuition and creativity. You may be playing with different ideas related to how you make money. Mercury conjunct with Pluto on the 4th is an excellent aspect for research on this or other questions; you will need to get to the bottom of something.

Mars enters Taurus on the 6th which brings a lot of focus to the home sector of your chart for the next two months. Mars in Taurus could increase your desire for security pushing you to deal with your domestic life more actively.

On the 8th, Mercury enters Aquarius and squares Mars, bringing rushed thinking or frustrations. Venus also enters Capricorn on this same day, directing your attention somewhat to interior matters. You may feel more confrontational than usual, and it may be best to stay clear from debates or impulsive decisions until the end of the weekend. Physical exercise could help you release tension and clear your mind. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 9th could continue to bring frustration but it could also bring sharper thinking. You may be able to sustain considerable intellectual effort and it’s a good time to tackle anything that requires concentration. Your perspective widens considerably by the 11th when Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius. Exciting new developments could be just around the corner. 

On the 12th, the New Moon takes place in the sign of Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of dream realities and inner process, and is conjunct with Pluto, associated with transformation, death, rebirth. This New Moon brings a potent reset in the part of your chart that relates to the unconscious and the behaviors of your shadow self. The last few years have brought much needed clarity in connection with some deeper aspects of your psyche. You have become aware of old programming and thought patterns that do not serve you well especially related to your sense of agency in the world and your ambitious nature. This New Moon is an important juncture in regard to these considerations. Now you have more lucidity surrounding these matters, and you are also more connected to your sense of power. Saturn transiting in Aquarius until 2023 is your cue to build a reality that is closer to your deeper self.

Uranus, which is the modern ruling planet of Aquarius, stations direct on the 14th in the home sector of your chart. This is also where Mars is already transiting giving extra energy to home and family concerns. Uranus in Taurus brings a thunderous desire for space and perhaps the desire for a more self-sufficient life-style. There may however be a few challenges you need to get through before you can get what you want.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th and will transit in your sign until the 19th of February.
The conjunction between Mars and Uranus on the 20th, coincident with the First Quarter Moon, continues to shake up the foundational structures of your life. The momentum that’s been building in the first half of the month will start to take external shape. You may begin to feel a more solid sense of direction even though things are in flux. The Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd and the 23rd calls for a realistic assessment of your current situation. You may be feeling quite ambitious while simultaneously feeling limited by the current circumstances. Do not let these restrictions darken your sense of perspective. The Sun squaring Uranus on the 26th could help you think outside of the box and find innovative solutions.

On the 28th, the Full Moon in Leo highlights your partnerships and close collaborators. You may be asked to consider the perspective of someone important in your life. Relationships provide a substantial mirror for you in what you are attempting to achieve on your own, and this is a quite significant configuration, when you will be balancing self and other, along with family considerations. The Full Moon in Leo shines brightly on the important contribution and support you receive from the people you love. You may feel a certain level of tension between your personal desires and the compromise needed to make a partnership work. This Full Moon may also bring the culmination of a negotiation process and perhaps some much needed clarity.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th; you may have to refine your ideas around a goal and the next three to five weeks will be the perfect opportunity to do so. Mercury will station direct on February 20th, and escape its retrograde shadow in March, giving you some time to strategize before fully launching yourself into 2021.

What does 2021 have in store for you?

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