Aquarius Horoscope for March 2022

Aquarius Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another major month for you, Aquarius, when you are encouraged to get down and intimate with your own inner workings. You are leading something of a double life in this March timing, because there is magic in your affect and in the way that you come across to others, while a strong intuitional thrust leads you in the contrary direction of communing below the surface layers with your more unconscious parts. The two impulses, public and private, unite in the concept of a more total integration of all that you are, with the ultimate goal of a future emergence as more authentically yourself. This month there is also a strong focus on deep principles and your resources, so that you might find yourself doing well in financial terms even as you strive for the deeper meaning. Your inner metamorphosis brings to greater clarity many disparate areas including values, worldview, career choices, and your communicative outreach to others. Learning is a major preoccupation right now that does not involve academics, but rather your more serious transformational quest as you continue to evolve.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins astrologically on March 2nd with a generous New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter bringing a fertile and abundant influence in the part of your chart that relates to your inner and outer resources. The cleansing waters of Pisces may also bring rejuvenation to your sense of self-worth helping you go after what you want with more gusto this month. You may be realizing that you’ve been underestimating yourself in a particular area of your life. It may be time to update your resume and trust that you have what it takes to get the job done. You may also feel compelled to more authentically align with your values and truth this month. I’s a good time to shed an old framework or perspective. Mercury conjunct Saturn in your sign at the time of the New Moon in Pisces may highlight some limitations or rigidity related to communication and thinking. However, it brings a supportive influence for work that requires long hours of concentration. If things feel out of control, now is a good time to impose structure or discipline on yourself. The triple conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn carries intensity into the first week of March and it may be difficult to label your feelings. Pay attention to pent up emotions and try to find positive outlets for the energy.

Things start to speed up during the first weekend of the month as Mars and Venus enter your sign of Aquarius where they will be traveling very close to each other for the next few weeks. These two planets relate to desires. You may start to feel a greater sense of ease in expressing your needs at this time. There may finally be forward motion for things that seemed unchangeable just a few weeks ago and you should start to feel a lot clearer. This in turn can help you go after what you want.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 9th and joins Jupiter, the Sun, and Neptune already transiting there. This concentration of planets in the sign of the Fishes may bring new developments related to your finances but there may also be an elusive component, especially as the Sun meets Neptune mid-month. You may have a propensity to spend liberally or say yes to everything that comes your way at this time. Your generosity and pleasant disposition could bring new opportunities. You may, however, have to guard against some of the idealism coloring this period to ensure that your energy investments are viable in the long run.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Virgo on the 18th which may bring an emphasis or culmination concerning your business and intimate partnerships. The Pisces/Virgo axis is sometimes said to be the axis of service and you may become aware of a need to recalibrate the give and take in your partnerships. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and therefore presides over this Full Moon from the deep waters of Pisces while also receiving a sextile from Uranus in Taurus. There may be new or unexpected developments related to a domestic scenario and progress can be made at this time. Shared efforts could lead to more opportunities. It may be a good period to take stock of what is available to you through your connections. The Full Moon in Virgo receiving a trine from Pluto in Capricorn could help you see more clearly where you’ve been giving your power away and expel some of your deeper fears related to intimacy.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the return of the light. The Sun in Aries may gradually emphasize your communications. You could find yourself getting busier in the second half of March. Mars energizes your sign until mid-April implying you can get a lot done in the next few weeks. You may, however, be less willing to compromise so keep that in mind as you go out and conquer the world. Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the 22nd potentially bringing some intensity or a strong urge to break free from anything that is too restrictive. You may feel like some of the foundational elements in your life are in a state of flux or you may experience a sense of inner restlessness. You can get a lot done at this time but it may be important to give room to the more rebellious parts of yourself. Doing so could lead to creative breakthroughs and help consciously integrate your uniqueness and your individuality.

Mercury enters Aries on the 27th where it will be transiting for two weeks. Your mind and ideas could feel a lot clearer. It may be easier to express yourself while Mercury is transiting in Aries.

Venus and Saturn coming together in your sign colors the last week of March. Venus represents love and pleasure while Saturn is all about long-term commitments and imposed limitations. These two coming together could highlight invested time or sacrifice given to make something work. Your existing partnerships could be tested or you may experience an inability to relate at the emotional level. You may tend to approach your relationships with a pragmatic lens and delay instant gratification for long-term results. Your sense of duty towards what you love may come to the forefront potentially leading to greater commitment. Just remember to show yourself the care and attention you are so willing to give others at this time.

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