Aries Horoscope for October 2016

Aries Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another good month for progress, Aries, and it takes place in part through relating to others, and in part completely on your own hook, as you love to play it. The profound intuitional information you are currently receiving with almost each in-breath is bolstered by input from important others in your life, and from meditating over your possibilities, including with reference to potential partners. You are taking what you perceive about the world around you and applying this as new perspective on what you do out in the world. Your concept of what makes sense for you in that regard is changing mightily, although at times so slowly that you can only see the progress by looking back to what has ultimately transpired, over time. Somewhere inside you there is fear of change, and as well the fortunate determination to in no way let that ever stop you.

As the month begins, you are experiencing the energy of a potent New Moon in your opposite sign, from just the evening before the first day of October. In this dynamic initial patterning, the Sun and Moon appeared in conjunction with expansive Jupiter, in your relationship sector, so that you are definitely feeling the pull to partnership. Also in the New Moon configuration that sets the tone for the entire month is a very strong and Neptunian presence of Venus, ruler of this New Moon and located in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, indicating that in some ways your arc of development at this time depends on the graceful and perhaps somewhat confusing input of friends and significant others. Individual factors of independence are also still very much with you, however, so that you are equally drawn to going it alone, expressing your own unique viewpoint on everything that you are currently up to. This is indicated by the strong presence of freedom-loving Uranus lighting up your identity sector, which is even more greatly highlighted at the mid-month, with the Aries Full Moon.

Another strong dichotomy that is still very present in your October astrology is that between inner and outer concerns, as indicated by the highlighted placement of Neptune, trined by Venus, and aspected by the New Moon, appearing (as he has for months) in your sector of unconscious process. This is a very strong emphasis on deep inner process, reinforced by highlighted Uranus in your sign, which brings intuitive understanding closer to your daytime consciousness. Meanwhile, though, with your ruling planet, Mars, now located at the top of your solar chart, in the sector corresponding to career and professional life, you are imbued with the interest and determination to make the most of your public statement. This is not, however, an urge that will be content with anything like business as usual, conforming to consensus thinking. In accordance with these powerful outer planet placements, you must take inner priorities into account in order for your successes in the material plane to be truly satisfying.

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With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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