Aries Horoscope for July 2018

Aries Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a big month for you, Aries, leading to a major summer of re-evaluation and soul growth. This is partly due to the retrograde of Mars, your ruler, through Aquarius. Relationship and friendship as life factors continue to be a tremendous source of inspiration, challenge and information; grist for your mill as you transform your activity and your sense of purpose. You are mulling over ideas regarding career path and intentionality for a sense of overriding mission that is uniquely your own. A spiritual superior reality pervades your thoughts stemming from unconscious desires and goals. Something inside you wants to go your own way, apart from any pseudo-value of conventional thought, while a critical voice inside your head urges against any departure from the norm. In this tug of war there emerges no clear winner until you can abandon everything but what your deep intuition tells you is true for yourself and yourself alone.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s a huge month again for everyone, due to two powerful eclipses coming through, and these affect your sign strongly, bringing you to depth, and helping you to transform your outer persona and your self-expression.

The month gets kick-started on July 5thwhen Mercury in Leo in your fifth house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your eleventh house, while both planets are simultaneously conjunct the nodes of the Moon. Watch for themes of confrontation and communication, creative conflict and collaboration, speaking or sharing messages with a sense of force and vigor, and important decisions, finalizing contracts or negotiations, or challenges in your social circles or within groups or organizations.

Then, also on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your fourth house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your eighth house with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. This signals that there could be a shift or change of momentum happening this month around home and family. A surge of transformative energy is going to help you release what is no longer serving you or to make changes where they are most needed at home, though to receive the blessings of Jupiter in Scorpio you may have to face or confront some shadows in the process.

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your fifth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your eighth house. Be careful of the tendency to gamble, take uncalculated risks, or to make promises that you can’t follow through on. On the other hand, this is a naturally beneficial time for receiving help or support from others and for deeper and more intimate, even transformational communication with others.

July 12th the Sun opposes Pluto as the New Moon occurs in Cancer. This is technically a solar eclipse, even though the nodes will still be in Leo and Aquarius. This eclipse falls in your fourth house of home and family, opposing Pluto in your tenth house of career. You can expect that both areas will be impacted by transformative changes. The effects of an eclipse are long lasting, and they do not always show up at the exact moment of the eclipse, so you may also consider that the seeds of future changes are being planted right now, especially in relation to home, property and family karma in general. In combination with this summer’s retrograde of your ruler, Mars, this is quite an introspective time.

July 18th Mars conjoins the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius in your eleventh house. You are likely revisiting, rethinking, or witnessing some significant changes to your social life, or within the organizations that you belong to. It may be time to cut ties or to simplify your social life. There is an aura of both productivity and focus available to you, but it may require you to confront, remove, or sever ties with people or groups that aren’t serving your highest spiritual goals.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your sixth and twelfth house axis. Watch for themes of idealization, heartache or heartbreak in love, sick or suffering friends, the call to serve others, or the need for personal healing. You may be longing for something intangible, and if so, just try to remember that temporary pleasures rarely address our deepest spiritual needs. For real happiness we need real healing and that usually means we must separate what is superficial from what is substantive.

Finally, on July 27th the Sun in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius at the time of a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, with both planets square to Uranus. Again, eclipses are powerful, and this one signals some very big changes, possibly even confrontations, happening in your social life this month, or, again, in relation to the groups or organizations you belong to, or even between yourself and your friends. Don’t be shy about simplifying, walking away from, or reducing your involvement with people who do not share your deepest concerns and convictions, but be careful about burning bridges as you go. At the same time, you may find natural alliances with people who are deeply passionate about the same long-term dreams and goals in life, or you may find that people or organizations from the past are amplifying your own passions and helping you advance. Be careful of an overly zealous, aggressive, or austere energy and remember that we must eventually lay down the sword of selfishness if we are truly to be of service in the world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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