Aries Horoscope for May 2018

Aries Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in the midst of profound changes, Aries, and are slowly coming to terms with this inescapable fact. These last few weeks have been a time of great introspection and re-imagining of yourself, and of the persona that you project out into the world. Regarding career, you find that the usual reasons, such as financial or status, no longer satisfy. You are feeling both exhilarated and scared, seeing the ground opening up before you with no certain landing point, and yet simultaneously enjoying the freedom and the adventure of it all. You might want to remember to stay as open as you can to possibility, acknowledging that it is not up to you alone, that you are co-creating with the universe. Relationships are definitely affected as you grow, and as you emerge into a new stage of your own personal evolution. This involves society itself, as you search out the ways that you can make a difference.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

May is arguably the biggest astrological month of 2018, and this is because the slow moving, outer planet, Uranus, is changing signs, from your home sign of Aries to the fixed, feminine earth sign of Taurus. Planetary changes like this don’t happen very often, and in the science of astrology it’s a very big deal when a slow-moving planet enters a new whole-sign house. Uranus has been affecting you in an intensely personal way since May of 2010, when it entered Aries and moved into your first house of new beginnings, identity, and health. Uranus is an awakener, a challenger of the status-quo, a rebel, an innovator, a cosmic trickster, and an independent and freedom loving outsider, and you have been embodying these qualities or actively encountering them for quite a while now. On May 15th of this month, all of that is about to change as Uranus will move into your second house of finances, resources, values, and material possessions.

As the first house represents the “rising place,” where planets first appear, there is a direct symbolic correlation to birth and new beginnings. Therefore, the first house was traditionally considered the most personally descriptive and vital house of the birth chart. Just as the stars on the eastern horizon were being “born” into the visible sky, you were emerging from your mother’s womb. By contrast, when we look at the second house, we see planets that are being brought TOWARD the rising place but are not yet there. In the ancient world, the anticipation of planets being brought to the rising place was associated with things that take time to grow and develop before benefiting the native. For example, ancient astrologers associated the second house with one’s fields or crops and what they might yield in terms of nourishment, money, wealth, etc. When Uranus enters your second house, you can therefore expect that you are entering a period of your life, for the next 7-8 years, where the way you make or earn money may undergo some significant changes. Your relation to material things, your values, your sense of what is worthy or unworthy, what you are “growing” in life or what you would like to see growing is now transforming. It’s not uncommon for there to be an aura of inventiveness, rebellion, shock, or liberation surrounding this transformation. Uranus entering the second house can make you want to throw away all your belongings, purchase shares in renewable energy companies, or completely overhaul your spending habits. Your relationship to the earth itself, to your material needs or desires, may change. If your material needs are weighing you down, then it might be time to simplify. Remember, not every loss or hiccup we experience financially is a bad thing. The Universe is always providing us with wakeup calls vis a vis the planet Uranus, and sometimes its just as the saying goes, “More money, more problems.”

For Arians it’s a funny moment because just as Uranus exits your first house, Chiron has recently entered (April 17). The heavens aren’t going to let you catch your breath, here! Chiron is the wounded healer, and most astrologers agree that Chiron symbolizes two main ideas: wounds and the wisdom associated with wounds. Chiron entering your first house signifies a moment where you are moving from an era of individuation, radical transformation and growth, awakening, disruption, and defiant individualism, to one of healing, learning, and studying. For the next eight to nine years, Chiron will be personally guiding you into some of the deepest healing and learning you are here to do in this lifetime. The specific wounds you are here to face as an Aries may involve issues surrounding your identity, who or what, if anything, you are beholden to, what you must advocate or fight for, where you must face your fears, and how to find peace and love where you may tend to be angry, selfish, impulsive, impatient, or too aggressive.

Finally, on May 15th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus in your second house, just as Uranus is moving into Taurus and the planet Mars, your ruler, will simultaneously that evening enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the entrance of Uranus into Taurus, emphasizing a new beginning for you that is taking place around second house topics: money, finances, values, and material possessions or lifestyle. Meanwhile, Mars entering your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and dreams, points to changes or challenges regarding significant friends, groups that you favor, and allies, or your long-term plans. These changes are directly correlated to the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your second house. It’s truly a dynamic month ahead, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly insightful and changeful moment!

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