Aries Horoscope for July 2019

Aries Horoscope for July 2019

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting, changeable and in many ways a landmark month for you, Aries. Issues of home and family come up for you as you navigate the tricky astrological currents of this optimistic, fanciful, and yet somewhat stressful month. The Solar Eclipse of July 2nd taking place in the fourth house of your chart is a powerful juncture, and takes you back to psychological core issues including familial connections of all kinds. Retrograde Mercury is quite powerful for you, especially on the 7th and the 9th. You will also find transformation coming your way in the timing of the Lunar Eclipse of the 16th, as you question your self-expression, including who you are, and where you are really headed in this lifetime. Your mission of service to the community at large takes on fundamental importance. Your deepest values come into play here, as you being to work out how to articulate and act upon these, proceeding from strictly your own internal compass.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

July starts astrologically with a powerful Solar Eclipse taking place on July 2nd, and falling in the sign of Cancer in your fourth house of home, family, property, and roots. You should expect that in the month ahead there will be a dramatic emphasis on these topics. Watch for moves or relocations, remodeling or making changes to your home or property, significant changes in family life, family of origin, or in your relationships to tribal members, the starting of a new home, and so on. This significant eclipse in your fourth house may also invite you to explore the depths of your unconscious, ancestral or familial karma, perhaps shedding light on matters that have remained unaddressed for many years.

Between July 7th and 9th, Mercury and your ruling planet, Mars, will conjoin in Leo just as Mercury is turning retrograde. This transit is taking place in your fifth house, which is the house of children, joy, good fortune, and creativity, and it may indicate that you are feeling the need to make a powerful or provocative creative statement this month, or rethink your priorities for creativity versus other goals. If you have children, you may encounter communication break-down, or find your conversations with them are somewhat strained, or that they are more defiant or rebellious than normal. Be aware of the temptation to engage in egotistical power struggles. This Mars/Mercury combination may easily lead to misunderstandings and may even tend toward someone having a more domineering or bullying mindset.

Between July 9th and the 16th, the Sun in Cancer in your fourth house of home, family, and roots will oppose both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth house of career. These oppositions then culminate in a Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in your tenth house on July 16th. This sequence points to a dynamic tension that is taking place right now around both the topics of your home and work-life, perhaps especially forcing you to deal with various pressures and demands, limitations or necessities in the workplace at the same time that powerful changes are taking shape at home. By the 16th, Venus in Cancer is in partile opposition to Saturn, indicating that you are dealing with relationship limitations and also greater clarity in terms of key partners in your life.

In this Full Moon configuration of the 16th, a fulfillment of sorts is reached, although the highlighted presence of both Pluto and Saturn imply that the transformational tenor of this month is still quite active. You might have to accept giving up certain things as the price to pay for necessary change.

The themes of love, beauty, friendships, harmony, and agreement are also in the mix, due to the prominent Venus in the fourth house conjunct the North Node and opposed to Saturn. . This is good news because it suggests that whatever tensions may arise this month at work or at home due to the eclipses, the remedy will be seeking out healthy compromises and harmony in the process of implementing these changes, which may smooth things out a little bit.

Finally, on July 31st, the New Moon in Leo (an auspicious second New Moon in one calendar month!), will conjoin Venus in your fifth house, while also squaring erratic and inventive Uranus in your second house. This New Moon points to an upcoming cycle of creative innovation, perhaps directly related to business or finances. If you have children, it also wouldn’t be surprising to see them developing their creative voice quite strongly right now. The fact that Venus and Uranus are squaring off to tone the Moon cycle ahead also points to a time of unexpected developments in relationships and love, perhaps emphasizing the need for greater freedom or experimentation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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