Aries Horoscope for May 2020

Aries Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather extreme month for you, Aries, as is also perhaps indicated when you look around. Powerful transformational effects from previous months are still very much with you, perhaps even intensified. The astrological signature for this is highlighted Pluto, magnified by Jupiter, active until mid-July due to Jupiter’s retrograde. Thus, your life continues to be very much in flux, with something lost as well as something gained in each moment. While having compassion for yourself as you mourn what is irretrievably lost, you must also allow yourself to consider your blessings, remembering that life itself is change. The period between May 7th and the 14th could provide an additional layer of enlightenment. Relationships could be reversing their impact or bringing inner wounding to your attention. You are coming to the recognition that you are living through an entirely mystical time. The difficult societal situation that we are in the midst of will engender new patterns of being in community with each other, in ways that are not all bad.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of May begins with Uranus, Mercury, and the Sun tightly conjoined in the sign of Taurus. This trio of planets brings innovative developments in the realm of your finances. You could be in the midst of a brainstorming frenzy, and contemplating a few original projects to supplement your income. With the current state of affairs, everyone is getting creative including you. Your communication sector is lit up with Venus in Gemini currently transiting there. This means you are busy exchanging ideas with others, thinking, writing, researching, and keeping yourself informed. Socializing plays an important role in your life, especially right now. Staying connected is taking on a whole new meaning, and learning to manage technology is part of the process. There could be a lot of talking going on, and important conversation taking place. However, with Venus in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces at the beginning of the month, the line between reality and fiction is blurred. Venus square Neptune creates a mist that can cloud good judgment. Discrimination will be your asset this month, especially when it comes to the information you consume. You could start to feel overwhelmed by the tides of opinions and the time spent looking at a screen. Go outside and schedule social media breaks to recharge your batteries. 

The Full Moon takes place on May 7th in the sign of Scorpio. For you, Aries, this Full Moon highlights getting funding or a partner’s financial contribution. Tax return or other type of financial compensation could come around the second week of April. Scorpio being a sign often associated with loss and transformation, the Full Moon could also illuminate fears surrounding the current economic uncertainties. However, the Sun in Taurus carries the urge to build a solid foundation, and it is perhaps this polarizing reality that is playing out in your mind. Let your lucidity around loss be the impetus that fuels new ideas in connection with the way you make a living.

That being said, having good ideas is one thing; executing them is a whole other story that takes time, patience, and perseverance. Saturn in Aquarius stations retrograde late evening on May 10th and will only be stationing direct at the end of September. The taskmaster of the zodiac prompts you to rethink the world you live in, and this will not be a quick process. The next five months are an excellent time to go back to the drawing board. Sorting out your priorities and your values could be a simple exercise that helps you redefine your goals.

Your ruling planet Mars enters Pisces on May 13th just as Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14th for a total of three planets stationing retrograde in four days. The inability to get quick results could feel like you are stuck in a holding pattern. On the other hand, with Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus now moving retrograde, the opportunity to truly assess your situation is available. Mid-May could bring a temporary reversal of situations that seemed set in stone. You might be prompt to revisit decisions you made a few months ago. A period of soul-searching is indicated as Mars in Pisces dredge up unconscious material ready to surface. The Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn on May 14th-16th invites you to utilize this transformative period to clarify your career direction and your goals. This is one of the most supportive and grounded aspects happening this month. It could give you the ability to zoom in on the essential while letting go of old patterns especially the ones connected to money.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th shifting your attention on learning, writing, and communications of all kinds. The Sun joins Venus, Mercury, and the North Node already in the sign of the Twins, which should increase the tempo in your life considerably. Gemini is a sign associated with curiosity, exploration but also restlessness and changeability. The New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd trines Saturn currently retrograde in Aquarius while Mercury which rules the New Moon is conjoined with Venus retrograde in Gemini. This is a tongue-twisting mind bending New Moon, which represents the complexity of the current state of affairs. What we know and what we don’t know remains to be seen; it could be challenging to sort through the information in order to gain clarity. You could be faced with a multitude of options and wondering what your next step should be. Knowing what is realistic and what is wishful thinking could feel impossible. Things are shifting rapidly, and with nothing set in stone it could be hard to know what the situations will be in six months.

Staying flexible and open to new ways of doing things is a good approach. Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus on May 24th-25th while Mercury in Gemini conjoins the North Node of the Moon on May 28th. This is a promise that the future is calling, and new things are emerging.


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