Aries Horoscope for October 2020

Aries Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month continues the framework of introspection that has surrounded you lately, Aries. This idea is due astrologically to the ongoing retrograde of your ruler, Mars, in your sign, coupled with that of Mercury taking place mid-month in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You are examining, as though for the first time, partnership and close connection with others, and equally with yourself. It is essentially a time of paradox. Concepts of service to the larger collective alternate with the will to strive on alone, in a fundamentally optimistic and spiritually active period with yet great difficulties to be worked through. You are in a natural cycle of steadiness and sticking to the inherent limits, and yet also of being tempted into striking out in utterly new directions, come what may. Through it all, you are questing, and attempting to arrive – finally – at who and what you really are, how shaped, brilliantly, for this moment of yielding to your most compelling destiny, the only one that truly satisfies.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

October opens with a dramatic Full Moon in your sign. This is the part of the story when the hero sits on a rock at the top of the mountain and contemplates life while epic music is playing in the background. Themes of healing and vulnerability may come to the forefront, as this Full Moon is also conjoined planetoid Chiron currently in Aries. The beginning of October may be a good opportunity to acknowledge your resilience. You have been hugely focused on your career and public expression, but a Full Moon in your sign indicates a culmination and integration of your emotional body, your needs, and being more fully aware of your feelings. Aries is a sign of action, which means talking about your emotions may not be your comfortable mode of expression. However with the Sun currently in the sign of Libra, you are being prompted to reflect on your relationships, and what they bring to your life. Your needs within them are illuminated as the Full Moon rises in Aries, and you could be called to clarify your feelings. Chiron currently transiting in Aries is an opportunity to transmute painful experiences into power.

Venus enters Virgo on October 2nd until the end of the month bringing an emphasis on logistical issues. You may need to organize your life more efficiently and attend to the nitty gritty details of your living arrangement. It’s a good time to get organized, plan ahead, and think about the tasks that must be accomplished to get where you want to be. More extensively, Venus in Virgo emphasizes your partnerships and financial situations. It may be your opportunity to delineate the contours of your financial or relational arrangements.

Your career comes into even greater focus during the second week of the month. Pluto stations direct in Capricorn in your career sector on the 4th and it is also squared by Mars – currently retrograde in Aries – from the 8th to the 10th of October. A situation at work you thought was resolved may come back up again or there may be a conflict of interest between you and someone who has power over you. This aspect could also correlate with strong ambitions, and the energy to achieve your goals. Be mindful of your desire to succeed during this period as you may not have the patience to deal with anything that stands in your way. You can get a lot done but you may need to backtrack if you rush to the finish line.

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on October 13th and will be moving backward until November 3rd, only escaping its retrograde shadow by mid-November. This augurs a period of careful preparation, strategizing, and adjustments. 

The Sun in Libra also opposes Mars retrograde in Aries on the 13th illuminating how your ambitions fit in the grand scheme of things but also the essential roles others are playing in your life to help you get there. It may be time to gracefully accept what others are bringing to the table while simultaneously clarifying your needs.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th brings a renewing influence in your relationships. A new cycle begins in connection with your partnerships, and the place you want to make for them in your life. You may be pickier and wiser than you used to be but you could be feeling ready to envision new things flourishing in that part of your life.

A situation may gain momentum during the week of October 19th. You may start to see a picture emerge in connection with a big goal, an idea, and what you need to get there. Combining pragmatism and vision could yield interesting results but you may have to get out of your own way. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd where Mercury is already transiting retrograde. The Sun in Scorpio could bring up fears and anxieties that get in the way of your creative genius. Monitoring your inner narratives at this time may help in keeping your momentum and trusting the process unfolding in your life. Soothe your nerves with physical exercise, find ways to release tension, and the rest will follow.

Venus enters her home sign of Libra on October 27th where she brings support for negotiations of all kinds. Mercury retrogrades out of Scorpio and back into Libra only moments before Venus gets there which brings a lot of attention to your opposite sign of Libra at the end of the month. Other people may play an important role in bringing you closer to your objective. You may find yourself juggling partnerships and contracts you have with others. It's a big theme this month and there is a financial undercurrent to your agreements. Others may be bringing support that helps you save money.

The Full Moon in Taurus on October 31st illuminates your finances. More extensively there could be an element of uncertainty with the Full Moon conjoined Uranus in Taurus. Clarity comes in the form of a gamble or a creative risk you must take to get ahead. 

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