Cancer Horoscope for October 2016

Cancer Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is one of consolidation and reorientation for you, Cancer. Following the weeks of Mercury’s retrograde through your sector of communication and learning, which has been a thoughtful and introspective period of time for you, you are embracing a softer and gentler side of yourself. For inner work, you are well fortified, with a powerful combination of outer planets that incline you to look more deeply inside yourself for important answers. Regarding outer world events and achievement, that factor seems to be a moving target, with frequent fluctuations and an ongoing nudge from the universe that you listen there to your feelings first. The bottom line is that, career-wise, it might be fortuitous for you to consult deep intuitional understanding, and to prioritize inner knowing. Only this can provide you with the satisfaction that you seek.

As the month begins, you are enjoying the powerfully clear energy of the recent New Moon from September 30th that took place your fourth solar sector of home, family, and your psychological roots. This implies that you are something of a homebody these days, or long to be; you will find your happiness in dealing with issues of your dwelling space, current tribe, or family of origin. The New Moon configuration also featured an emphasis on the subtle other-dimensionality represented by Neptune, located in an important sector of your chart concerned with issues of educational pursuits, worldview, and higher mind. You are therefore embracing a compassionate and unifying attitude in the way that you see the world around you, and in how you view your own self, also, within that greater matrix of possibility. All of these factors, including the recent retrograde of Mercury, ruling your sector of unconscious process, incline you more fully to your inner world. As you face the interesting uncertainties of these final months leading up to year’s end, it is more important than you might normally recognize for you to acknowledge this factor of unconscious process, which is unfortunately given very little emphasis in the consensus culture.

Another huge astrological factor for you over the course of October is the highlighted presence of trickster Uranus, at nearly the top of your chart, indicating that surprises await you at every turn, especially in terms of career and other manifestations of your public offering. You might have been noticing the uncertainties there, which are highlighted again this month, most noticeably in the mid-month timing of the Aries Full Moon. In fact, all these lunations of October actually hit your chart quite strongly. With Eris in the picture as well, there are definite indications that you will go out of your way to stand for your own unique perspective on what you are up to. Although this can be viewed by others around you of as rebellion, and therefore might not go down as well as you would like, you gain enormously by sticking to your guns, so to speak, in the career choices that you make. Following what you hold to be true for you, even if for you alone, is something that you cannot really duck, at least not for long. You will find potential long-term dividends in paying utmost attention to what your deep insides are telling you, thus heading yourself in the direction that your heart indicates.

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With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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