Cancer Horoscope for December 2017

Cancer Horoscope for December 2017

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild and wooly month for you, Cancer, with repercussions for partnership in your life, career inspiration, personal mission, and your own self-expression. You are experiencing a great deal of variability, as well as sudden left turns, in the way that you put yourself out into the world. Concepts of relationship are changing for you as well, ultimately for the better. You are also likely rethinking concepts of service to others, reviewing your commitments there, or perhaps feelings of limitation or criticism with regard to your decisions, or perhaps health issues. The Gemini Full Moon on the first weekend of December brings to you a mystical sense of timelessness and the age-old wisdom that there is far more to life than appears on the surface. This is the concept that there is that which is beyond ordinary knowing and yet somehow underlies all of it, a mystical worldview that you are finding more and more attractive lately.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Alright Moon-children, it’s a big month for you. The Full Moon in Gemini falls on December 3rd in your twelfth house, while Mercury is conjoining with Saturn as it stations and turns retrograde on December 4th in your sixth house. Meanwhile, the month also begins with Mars in Libra in your fourth house opposing Uranus in Aries in the tenth house. Next, Jupiter in Scorpio in your fifth house is moving into a trine with Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house. And finally, Saturn is moving into Capricorn in your seventh house. These are easily the most dynamic transits of the Month, so let’s take a look at each one in depth.

The Full Moon in Gemini is in your twelfth house. The twelfth house is traditionally the house of self-undoing, misery, loss, and illusion, but it is also related to healers, saints, and those who are called to shadow work, monastic life, or solitude. Here’s what to watch for:

  • A strong sense of having made a mistake or miscalculation
  • Feeling alone, depressed, sad, or confused
  • Facing shadows, seeing truth from illusion
  • Spiritual crisis and transformation
  • Hospitals, healing crises, mental/emotional breakdowns/breakthroughs
  • Not feeling clear-headed while trying to make plans or while dealing with challenging situations
  • Colds, winter blues
  • Loss, abandonment, and self-destructiveness
  • Seeing through to the other side, messages in dreams, omens, signs in nature

Mercury will conjoin Saturn in Sagittarius in your sixth house, just as Mercury turns retrograde. The sixth house is traditionally the house of illness and misfortune, underdogs and social injustice, but it is also related to those who are dedicated to serving and healing others. Here’s what to watch for:

  • If you employ other people, then you might see changes, or you may begin envisioning changes for your employees
  • You might be feeling passionate about a cause or you may renew your commitment to a passionate value, ideal, or belief
  • You might be dealing with sickness or illness, either personally or perhaps at work or in your relationships or family
  • Car, vehicle, or technology problems may surface
  • If you rent property you may find that you’re negotiating or renegotiating the terms of a lease or contract
  • You might be receiving challenging news or may be experiencing difficult communication dynamics
  • Extreme beliefs, values, or ideas may be at the center of relationship challenges
  • You might be feeling called to serve, help, or heal others right now or you might be seeking help or healing

Next, Mars in Libra in your fourth house is opposed to Uranus in Aries in your tenth house. The fourth house is the house of home, family, ancestry, roots, and parents, and the tenth house is the house of rank, merit, career, calling, achievement, and authority. Here’s what to watch for:

  • The needs of home and family are competing with the need to break out, excel or transform within your career
  • Challenges at home and challenges at work are both acute and requiring compromises
  • Issues from your family or ancestral past, issues of lineage or legacy are coming into the public eye or tying into your work or professional life
  • You are being asked to sacrifice or compromise your own dreams or ambitions for the sake of a family crisis, challenge, or responsibility
  • You might be considering a relocation or job change, or both simultaneously
  • You’re excelling, competing, and defying your own boundaries
  • Change, loss, or disruption in the home or workplace, or both
  • Revolution, innovation, and discovery related to both home and work
  • Major changes to your literal living space or office space

Next, Jupiter in Scorpio in the fifth house is making a trine to Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house. The fifth house is the house of creativity, children, sports, pregnancy, joy, and recreation, whereas the ninth house is the house of religion, faith, beliefs, long journeys, higher knowledge, law, and political life. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Despite a variety of personal challenges this month you are feeling inspired, faithful, excited, cheerful, fun, and in the holiday spirit
  • The subject of children or pregnancy is part of a renewed commitment to faith, beliefs, spirituality, or trust in the higher power
  • Children and faith or religion are important to you right now
  • You or your spouse is having a child, working with children, or becoming a child again
  • You are preparing to travel, taking a trip abroad, or enjoying a period of adventure
  • The challenges in the other areas of your life have reminded you of what really matters
  • You might be exploring how your faith or spirituality aligns with what you do for fun or how you enjoy yourself
  • The relationship between sexuality and spirituality is important to you this month
  • You may be feeling creatively or physically inspired while also philosophically or spiritually inspired

Finally, Saturn is moving into Capricorn in your seventh house after being in Sagittarius in your sixth house for several years. The seventh house is the house of love, marriage, relationships and total immersion into someone or something “other.” Here’s what to watch for:
  • Big changes in the love and relationship area
  • Endings, separation or divorce
  • Commitment, seriousness, focus, discipline and greater maturity in love and relationships
  • An increase of social responsibility
  • A total change of social reputation
  • Difficult, serious, or sobering events that will attune you to a wiser and more mature understanding of reality
  • Hard work that will begin to pay off
  • A time of developing more mature relationships or relationships with elders or wiser/older people in general
  • The passage of elders or significant generational changes.

I hope you have a wonderful Winter Solstice, Cancer. I’ll be traveling with you here at Astrograph for all of 2018, and each month it’s my goal to share some personal stories from my practice in order to illustrate how each sign experiences the forecasts, month by month. If you’d like to write us and tell us about how the horoscopes align with your experiences, feel free to add to the comments section below, or email us at Astrograph! In the meantime, Happy Holidays and best of luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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