Cancer Horoscope for July 2018

Cancer Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your inner world is calling to you, Cancer, over the last half of the previous month, and continuing into July. Partnership with important others is another focus, especially at the recent Full Moon in your opposite sign. Inner wounding could also come up for you in a big way, along with the volatility of your future plans. This might involve knee-jerk reactions against authority that seems misplaced, as indicated by Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is now prominent in your tenth sector. You are seeking a basis for your own authority, in your own way, a pathway forward consistent with your most deeply held values. After the July 12th Solar Eclipse in your sign, you are more committed than ever, and also delving into the root causes of relationship concerns that have long been an issue. This involves your ongoing transformation in this area, as well as figuring out where you leave off and your partner begins, thereby strengthening your self-reliance.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s a huge month for Cancers because this month features two eclipses, and one of them is a solar eclipse in your home sign!

The month gets kick-started on July 5th when Mercury in Leo in your second house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your eighth house, while both planets are simultaneously conjunct the nodes of the Moon. You’re at a karmic crossroads this month and the focus is on money and finances, resources and values, responsibilities and debts. You may find that you are at odds with others this month regarding the use of your time, energy, or money. Be careful of being either overly indulgent OR too austere with your time and money right now and watch for the tendency to get easily enflamed or mentally and emotionally agitated.

Then, on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your first house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your fifth house with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. You may be about to experience a wave of creativity, or a renewal of your faith, energy, and enthusiasm, perhaps after a longer period of feeling somewhat held back or temporarily restrained. Be careful of making impulsive decisions while flying high. Everything that goes up eventually comes down. Be careful not to let your emotions run away with you, but otherwise enjoy the expansive and supportive energy of Jupiter.

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your second house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your fifth house. You could be negotiating an investment or making a big purchase right now, or the themes of childlike creativity and joyful, creative work is pronounced. Be careful of exaggeration, grandiose thinking, and over promising.

July 12th the Sun opposes Pluto in your seventh house as the New Moon occurs in Cancer in your first house. This solar eclipse is like a massive door opening in front of you, and it is deeply related to changes happening with your partners or within your relationships. You may be asked to act as an emotional leader or support for others who are struggling right now. On the other hand, others may be trying to block your light by manipulating you or making unfair demands of you. The door is open for a great moment of personal AND relational transformation right now. Make sure to keep your heart open while also keeping good boundaries in your relationships!

July 18th Mars conjoins the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius in your eighth house. The topic of your partner’s resources or finances may be a struggle over the summer months, or you may find that you are being asked to face your fears in a deeper way. Pay attention to whatever you are being asked to simplify or where you are being challenged to let go of things that are no longer serving you, and yet be careful of the temptation to be too severe in the way you deal with or respond to adversity right now.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your third and ninth house axis. You might be exploring themes of love and belief this month, relationship and ideology, philosophy and diplomacy. You might also be called to act as a messenger, teacher, or communicator of your higher beliefs or thoughts, or you might find that you are struggling to put words to spiritual, religious, or deeply moving experiences. Remember, the struggle to put things into words is part of what makes an experience truly amazing!

Finally, on July 27th the Sun in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius at the time of a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, across your 2nd and 8th house axis, while both are square to Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house. Watch for themes related to money and finances, personal value or resource conflicts or negotiations, as well as significant changes within your social circles or organizations. This eclipse also offers an important opportunity for you and those you are close with to form tighter allegiances and shared visions of the future. It’s a great time to put heads, hearts, and resources together for the sake of a more singular purpose or vision.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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