Cancer Horoscope for May 2018

Cancer Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are making progress toward understanding where you are coming from, Cancer, and, more importantly, where you are going. You have lately been visioning and revisioning your work in the world, how to put your shoulder to the wheel in a meaningful way. You could be accepting that your inner process knows more than you have credited, and that your future plans must change accordingly. You are being delivered from dream realizations to those that are more concrete, and it is a good descent. As the month progresses you are more and more aware of core issues. You are seeking the underlying motivation for all your actions and reactions, including those affecting key partnerships in your life, a factor that is massively transformative for you right now. The prescription is, while remaining fully aware, to simply let go, and to go on letting go, until you eventually come down to what is unquestionably nothing but your own bottom line values.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

There are two major planetary transits shaking things up for everybody this month, and that is the entrance of Uranus into Taurus (May 15th), and the recent ingress of Chiron into Aries (April 17th). For you, these transits are taking place in your tenth and eleventh houses. Let’s look at each of these, in turn.

Last month, around April 17th, Chiron, the wounded healer, entered your tenth house of career to stay for the next seven to eight years. Most astrologers agree that Chiron is related to two important ideas: wounds and the wisdom associated with wounds. Since May of 2010, Uranus in Aries has been journeying through your career house, creating all kinds of new adventures, projects, initiatives and adventures. You have been on a roll for a while, but now the mood is changing. Chiron in Aries brings a more stable, leadership-oriented quality to your career house. You may find that you are ready to lead the charge or take on greater responsibilities, perhaps reflecting a wiser and more embodied understanding of your own wounds and the wounds of others in the world. Others may begin to recognize you as a teacher, elder, or healer, or you might be naturally attracted to new mentors, healers, or teachers right now. As a Cancer, you naturally bring a healthy dose of emotional charisma and nurturance into everything that you do. You are thus entering a period of your life where you are being asked to use all the gifts you naturally possess to address your wounds, and the wounds of the world, in a more public and passionate way.

Meanwhile, on May 15th, Uranus will finally leave your career house and enter your eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes or dreams. Uranus is the planet of disruption, liberation, and awakening, and so as it enters your eleventh house you can anticipate that your friendships are about to change, along with your long-term dreams and goals, the groups you associate with, and the people you consider to be your allies, in general. You may also receive unexpected support from people with money or resources, or you may find that in the years to come you are naturally collaborating with others to create lasting, practical changes in the world. Taurus is of course a naturally compatible sign for Cancers. Earth and water get along well, but whereas Cancer is fluid, animate, and emotive, Taurus is practical, solid, simple, and tasteful. The presence of Uranus in your eleventh house should thus create opportunities for you to bring all your emotion, enthusiasm, and nurturance to various projects, relationships, or groups whose aim is to bring practical but compassionate changes to the world. The one thing to be especially careful of will involve projects or people whose big goals are practically exciting or productive but whose hearts or souls aren’t nearly as invested. Belief and genuine emotional investment is necessary for you in everything that you do. Anything less than genuine emotional investment will eventually lead to bankruptcy because material things, however great or secure, are ultimately impermanent. It’s the spiritual value and the emotion we put into our spiritual values in the work we do in the world that ultimately make something useful to ourselves and others. It’s the heart we give to what we do that grants us real peace, real love, and real security.

In addition to these major planetary ingresses, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus in your eleventh house, and later that evening the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your eleventh house, emphasizing the powerful themes related to groups, friends, and long-term goals described above. Meanwhile, Mars entering your eighth house of death, fear, transformation, and shared resources points to a dynamic moment surrounding the loss or surrender of something old, the facing of fears, or issues related to passive income or your spouse’s finances. These changes are directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your eleventh house. It’s truly a dynamic month for you and everyone around you, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time.

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