Cancer Horoscope for November 2018

Cancer Horoscope for November 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather amazing month for you, Cancer, as synchronicities point the way back to your own internal development. The retrogrades of Venus and of Mercury are powerful for you, and lead you on an introspective journey that has you questioning the basis for career-oriented activities. Adventures in intimacy continue, while home and family issues that were seemingly settled come back to haunt you with a different and more creatively otherworldly set of possible outcomes than you had originally perceived. In the second half of the month, you are likely to be examining with new eyes issues with your day-to-day existence, or your workplace, or perhaps within the framework of a call to a greater sphere of public service. For the remainder of the month, you are intuitionally exploring a spiritual mandate regarding your work with important others that could seem confusing by the standards consensus thinking but which nevertheless allows you to begin sussing out the deeper meaning of what you are actually up to.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with retrograde Venus entering into the relationship-oriented sign of Libra, corresponding to your fourth house of home and family, indicating that you may well be reflecting on what this area of life truly means for you, while the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, still in Aquarius, corresponding to your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do close connection with partners, you are still engaged in seeing through changes there, and trying to better understand them.

Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your fifth house of children, and creative self-expression, emphasizing the need to find greater joy and happiness in your everyday life, or to perhaps express yourself more creatively. Paired with Venus’ recent retrograde in your fifth house, you might be going through a romantic renaissance as of late, and this New Moon promises to keep up with these themes as it plants a new seed that will grow and blossom in the weeks ahead. You may also be motivated to explore the way that you act upon your deepest values, rather on society’s ideas of your career needs.

Meanwhile, all month long, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your fourth house of home and family, opposite Uranus in Aries in the tenth house of your career. This is a great moment to address crucial changes taking place both at home and in the workplace, or both “within” and “without” simultaneously.

Watch especially for changes in the cosmic weather pattern as Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate creative changes or to begin implementing changes that have been bubbling up in the past month within your home or living situation, or in the workplace. Note too that on November 30th, Venus will exactly oppose Uranus, bringing all the above themes to a head and signaling a time of surprising changes, challenges, or creative breakthroughs at work and at home.

On November 8th, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and moves into your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, where it will stay for the next year. Over the course of this long transit, you are going to be engaged in a great work, a work of love and faith. While there is usually nothing easy about the work and labor of the sixth house, Jupiter being in its own sign of Sagittarius promises to inspire you, though it will also ask you to give more and more of yourself to whatever you’re doing. Jupiter in Sagittarius also promises to help you grow, heal, and learn in all the right ways. Don’t be surprised if you are also called to work hard on behalf of others along the way!

On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your ninth house of the higher mind after spending most of its time in Aquarius since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house of relationships on November 19th. You are being called to put your beliefs, faith, and learning, into action in the world. Or, you may also be called to confront, debate, or argue for your perspective, or to somehow demonstrate the effectiveness of your ideas or beliefs. It’s also a great time to find inspiration or to respond to a call to action from a teacher or spiritual mentor.

November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your sixth house of relationships in a square to Neptune in the ninth house of the higher mind. This transit points to the need to rethink your beliefs or philosophical commitments, but it may also point to a time of confusion, deception, or fuzzy thinking, so be careful to use your natural intuition and emotional intelligence. On the other hand, Mercury and Neptune can easily inspire your faith, creativity, and imagination right now, though, given the mysterious nature of Neptune and the trickster qualities of Mercury, it is likely that inspiration will come to you from an unlikely or unexpected source.

On November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your twelfth house of surrender, dissolution, and transcendence, opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work and service, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your ninth house of religion and beliefs. Once again, the stars are pointing to the need to put your faith or beliefs into service in the world, or they might be speaking to a transformational learning experience, or to a series of lessons and insights you are gaining through a time of emotional introspection, questioning, or perhaps even through a time of personal or spiritual health recovery. Whatever the case might be, be sure to give yourself enough down time to integrate the thoughts and questions arising around this Full Moon.

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