Cancer Horoscope for September 2018

Cancer Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

As you emerge from past months you are optimistic of better days to come, Cancer. Your curiosity, learning, and the transformation of your worldview are at an all-time high this month, based on productive take-aways from a disruptive summer timeframe. Your creativity knows no bounds, and your future orientation is also highlighted, wild-eyed to the point of tending toward the overly adventurous. On the other hand, your partnership commitments represent a calming element that keeps you from going off the deep end and centers you in your more usual status quo. You are continuing to evolve in the way you think of significant relationship, and in part this implies accepting or attempting to reject this factor of stabilizing influence. The other important thing to recognize is the extent to which your values, both overt and more subtle, contribute to your revised mission statement. You win when, through a process of introspection, you can establish for sure where you truly stand, and then proceed to act upon that basis.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started just as Mercury in Leo in your second house of values, resources, and money is making a sextile, culminating on September 3rd to Venus in Libra in your fourth house of family, home, and property. You might be enjoying time with or investing money in your family, or home, or you might be enjoying an aura of beauty, grace, and luxury in your relationships. You may want to be careful about overspending or overindulging during this period, as the very same energies can sometimes lead to extravagance, as well.

On September 8th, Venus in Libra in your fourth house of home and family will square Mars in Capricorn in your seventh house of marriage and relationships, emphasizing creative or sexual tension, conflict and compromise, as well as healing. Given that this aspect is occurring while your ruling planet, the Moon, is at its final waning stages of the month from within your second house of finances, it’s possible that you are also working to resolve, finalize, or heal something very personal right now related to money.

Then, on September 9th, the New Moon in Virgo lands in your third house of communication, learning, the mind, and siblings, opposite Neptune in the ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys. It’s a great time to begin learning something new, or to deepen or improve an existing skill or spiritual practice. It’s also a great time for writing, media or technology related projects, or anything that requires meticulous thinking or spiritual mindfulness at once. You may also be looking at new ways to make higher or loftier ideas more tangible.

On September 12th, Venus in Scorpio in your fifth house of children, pleasure, and creativity will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house of friends, dreams, and groups, suggesting a moment of disruption, innovation, or unexpected changes in your social life. Venus in combination with Uranus loves to defy traditional relational, sexual, and artistic values, so don’t be surprised if you are noticing a rebellious or eccentric energy surrounding your work life or relationships right now, as well. Given that Venus is about to retrograde in your fifth house next month, the topics of the fifth house (pregnancy, children, creativity, and pleasure) are likely to be in the spotlight for a good amount of time to come. So just remember that you are going through a transformational process in these areas of your life, some of which may require a deeper level of maturity and honesty, as well as greater trust and patience in your relationships.

Then, on September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your eighth house of death and rebirth and “other people’s money,” will square Uranus in Taurus in your eleventh house. With Mars having been retrograde in your eighth house most of the summer, the topics of money and relationships or differing levels of responsibility in relationships have been on the table for a while now. Or, it’s possible that themes of death and rebirth within friendships or social circles have been pronounced. Either way, with Mars squaring Uranus once more, this time in direct motion, it’s a great time to see the implementation of new ideas, breakthroughs in relationships, groups or friendships, and possibly even sudden changes, likely for the better, in a partner’s financial status.

Between September 22nd and 23rd, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Fall Equinox, entering the sign of Libra and moving into your fourth house of home and family for the next thirty days. While the Sun in the fourth house would likely make any Cancerian happy as a clam, it may also bring light into the depths of your family or ancestral karma, inviting a deeper level of introspection or inner work. The Libran Sun in your fourth house will also ask for greater peace, harmony, balance, and fairness in your home life or family dynamics.

Finally, on September 24th, the Full Moon in Aries lands in your tenth house of career, opposite Mercury and the Sun in Libra in your fourth house of home and family, and making a T-square to Saturn in Capricorn in your seventh house of relationships. This powerful configuration will bring plenty of energy, into your professional and public life, but it will also be simultaneously touching on your relationships and home or family matters. Given that the fiery Full Moon in Aries will be opposite Mercury in Libra in the fourth house, you will have to be careful that you are balancing your own personal passion and emotional intensity with the need for greater mental and communicative balance in your private or home life!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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