Cancer Horoscope for July 2020

Cancer Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

There is a way that you have been reinventing yourself over all the past weeks of this climactic year, Cancer, and these efforts reach some sort of culmination for you in this potent monthly cycle. Remembering that the recent solstice eclipse New Moon in the very beginning degree of your sign initiated a significant new cycle for all Cancerians, you are invited to a fuller participation in the soul-level evolution that you came into this lifetime to fulfill. This can manifest as a new sense of destiny and self-identity, one that accepts the limitations of your situation, potentially including hidden complexes within you that stem from past trauma. Your better self could now be willing to avoid fantasy escapes or superficial distractions, moving into a new high water mark of self-acceptance. This inner transformation is based upon self-study and introspection, and also in partnering with important others in your life in a creative way. Your relationship dynamic is undergoing a sea change, and you cannot help benefiting from the results.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of July begins with the Sun in your sign, following the recent solar eclipse from ten days before the month began, which is especially good news for you. It’s the time of the year when you are given an opportunity to revitalize, recharge, and clarify your direction. This is the beginning of a brand new cycle. Mercury Retrograde conjoined the Sun in Cancer at the end of June while both were sextile to Uranus in Taurus. You might expect information to come at a faster pace than usual. Even though Mercury is still retrograde for half of July, the beginning of the month offers clues on how to proceed next. There is a buzz in the air and your conversations could bring a lot of interesting ideas to the table.

Saturn moves back to your opposite sign of Capricorn on July 1st, and may carry with it an emphasis on situations or people you thought you were done with. Saturn officially enters Aquarius later in the year, in December, but until then Saturn transiting in the partnership area of your chart means lessons around boundaries and engagement will be surfacing once more, to make sure you stand on solid ground. A partnership or a situation that has been in a state of flux will have the opportunity to get consolidated. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 4th highlights this process. Trust that you are now in a perfect place, and hold the wisdom to deal with what arises after two years of heavy lifting in the realm of relationships. Something either gets consolidated with renewed commitment or vanishes into the void of the eclipse.

On July 8th Mercury Retrograde in Cancer squares Mars in Aries currently transiting in your career sector. This aspect will take place once more at the end of the month when Mercury is moving direct. A career or vocational dilemma could take the whole month before it makes sense. The pressure to comply with career obligations could bring some tension as you try to reconcile your immediate needs with a longer vocational trajectory.

On July 11th, Chiron in Aries stations retrograde while the Moon and Mars are conjoined with it, leading to the Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July 12th, with Mars still conjunct Chiron. This represents a tense period in the month, when ambitions run high. However, the rational and the emotional collide. You might feel like you know exactly what you want especially when it comes to your work or career goals. If someone or something stands in your way during this time you might not have the patience to negotiate. Mercury Retrograde in Cancer squaring Mars can indicate conflicts. However, these conflicts can be avoided if you weigh your words carefully and don’t rush or act on impulse. It could also be that you are presented with two different options, and that this renders decision-making impossible.

Mercury stations direct on July 12th, and throws even more decisive energy your way. You could feel a sense of urgency or be cornered into making a decision. Think twice and think wisely before committing to anything major. Make sure you know exactly what it entails as you might be asked to compromise something.

A second New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 20th, directly opposite Saturn in Capricorn. Renewing a commitment is possible under such influence. It could also indicate the beginning of a contract or the awareness that you must head in a beneficial direction by adopting a stoic stance. You could be confronted again with an inability to reconcile emotional safety, and obligations. You might have to be the mature responsible adult under current circumstances. This New Moon is the culmination of the emotional lessons that took place in the last two years. It’s time to integrate the experiences while planting fresh visions in connection with your emotional life, and more extensively your partnerships. You have recently gained a lot of lucidity, especially in your relationships. You are in a perfect place to know who is there for you and who isn’t. This New Moon is your call to become more mature, as well as honest when it comes to what you need.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd gradually bringing focus on financial matters, wealth, and resources for the next month. The Sun transiting in Leo also illuminates what you value, and your sense of self-worth. Venus in Gemini since May has brought a process of returning to yourself while you connect to your inner sense of beauty. Reckoning with feelings of self-worth while learning to delineate your boundaries with others is not an easy task to do, especially in your intimate partnerships. This is a time however when you harvest the fruits of your labor and savor the new awareness you hold when it comes to your own worth. Be grateful for the unique contribution you have to offer to the world. Connectivity and vision play an important role as you feel driven by an ideal.

The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on July 27th highlights a project and the financial backing needed to get there. Mercury in Cancer squaring Mars in Aries a second time on the same day could push you to make a final decision on something that has been dragging on since the beginning of the month. Even though these aspects carry a certain level of pressure, you will know exactly what to do. This might be especially so, if you have spent the first two weeks of July weighing your options, without making your final decision until the end of the month.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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