Cancer Horoscope for October 2020

Cancer Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another important month for you, Cancer, one in which introspection reigns and you are closing in on your true goals. This involves a revitalization of many areas of your life, from career to private, and from partnership to individual creative productions, everything is up for review and revision as 2020 begins to wind toward its ending extravaganza. You may well come out of this climactic year in a very different place from where you started. As far as relationship goes, this has been a months-long evolution that is not nearly over, of some very basic character traits that you might be ready to let go of, with the helpful impetus of friends and your community. Don’t let your fears hold you back. Home and family is another area of significant impact this month. Your future plans are also evolving, although you might beware of going too far, too fast. Mercury retrograding through your sector of creative self-expression will be a factor in being able to fully commit, until the end of November.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month opens with a big bright Full Moon in Aries in your vocational sector shining a spotlight on your aspirations. With much of the world being on lockdown you might have had to reformulate what is possible when it comes to your ambitions. Things may not be completely obvious with Mars still retrograde in Aries for the whole month of October and half of November. However the Full Moon in Aries at the beginning of the month brings a process to culmination. You may feel ready to make a decision in the context of your career. The Full Moon is also conjoined with Chiron in Aries, often associated with vulnerabilities and healing. The Full Moon conjoined Chiron, and this may be your cue to come to terms with the current reality of what is possible versus what may need to be put on the back burner for the time being. There could be a sense of resolve regarding your aspirations that feels both difficult but unavoidable. You may be forced to rethink your trajectory and your goals. With Mars in Aries currently squaring Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn you may be divided between your ambitions and your desires for a partnership to work. It may seem like difficult choices with no easy solutions but the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together and will eventually make sense.

Venus enters Virgo on the 2nd – until October 27th – emphasizing your immediate surroundings, and the pleasure you derive from where you live. Venus in Virgo for the next couple of weeks could find you attending to all the small details of your daily life that makes your existence more enjoyable. Venus in Virgo also highlights your relationship with your siblings if you have any, and you may find yourself in their company more often or planning to gather with them.

Your communications with others, social media, telephone conversations, emails, and the tools you utilize to exchange with people have been emphasized since mid-September with the New Moon in Virgo. You may have found yourself busier than usual communicating and writing. Venus in Virgo continues to bring an influence in that part of your life while also making all these exchanges more pleasurable.

The Last Quarter Moon occurs in Cancer on October 9th indicating some tension between your needs, your home base or your family, and your career. You may need to juggle more than usual around the second week of the month or feel like you are being pulled in opposite directions. There could be issues with who to trust or what to believe, or a conflict at home that requires delicate handling. You might also be contemplating a move. The second weekend of October could bring surprising albeit supportive new developments, so stay open to thinking outside of the box.

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on October 13th and will be moving retrograde until November 3rd, or two weeks longer if you take the retrograde shadow into account. This period finds you rethinking romantic potentials, your projects, and what brings you pleasure. More extensively Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio brings attention to your creative and procreative potentials. You may be undergoing a period of revision regarding what you want to share with the world, your creative impulses and your vocational direction.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th represents the beginning of a new cycle in connection with your home or where you call home. Seeds are being planted at this time under the pressurized and extremely highlighted glance of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Difficult decisions could be coming regarding where you want to be. There could be an inability to choose between places or between people, and a prolonged deliberation before a decision. Libra is a sign of negotiation and balance. You may be required to carefully weigh all possible sides of a situation before you feel confident with your choice. Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces on the New Moon could also be coloring reality with a glow of fantasy. There could be the idealization of a dream or a vision, which is not a bad thing, but your dreams may need to be weighed in the balance against reality before the forms you are trying to birth into the world can take shape.

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd joining Mercury who has been there since the 13th emphasizing romance, art, and children. Clarification is possible in these matters around the 25th, when Mercury meets the Sun in Scorpio. A new idea or a solution is near! Pay attention towards the end of the month for an incoming message or a revelation that lights your path forward.

An exciting Full Moon in Taurus illuminates the skies on October 31st. The Full Moon is conjoined Uranus, a planet often associated with surprises and innovations, and may bring some interesting new developments, especially in your social sphere. You may feel a sense of clarification regarding with whom you want to connect within your social circle, or who can bring exciting opportunities.

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