Cancer Horoscope for January 2021

Cancer Horoscope for January 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The months do not get any less difficult, Cancer, but there are hidden rewards to be had. You have struggled all this past year to comprehend the true meaning of partnership in your life, and of your own journey toward wholeness, and this initial month leads to a better understanding of yourself at deep levels. As 2020 ended, the recent Full Moon in your sign signaled a renewed concentration of relationship realizations and transformations that carry over into outer world achievement and your mission of service that is also coming on strong. You are enjoined to look inside, and to find inspiration there for innovative future pathways to unfold, if you let them. Your challenge is to let go of past preconceptions, and to keep on letting go. Like the sculptor you are removing from the block of stone everything that is not your most authentic sense of Self. It is an amazing season of change that you are entering into; as Dickens once epitomized, “the best of times, and the worst of times,” and your attitude toward the unfolding events makes all the difference.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year, dear Cancer, and congratulations on getting through 2020, hopefully braver and wiser than when you started. The year begins with the Sun in Capricorn emphasizing your partnerships and the people you lean on for support. Saturn transiting in Capricorn in the last two and a half years brought hard lessons in regards to setting better boundaries. You may be more able to commit, or less afraid of saying no, and this may also mean that you are pickier about who you let into your personal life. However, it is important that you don’t isolate yourself too much. Remember that people are here for you and it is only a matter of reaching out. Deeper conversations may come up during the first week of January as Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th. You may feel like tackling difficult or taboo topics with someone in order to shed more light on a dynamic you share.

Mars enters the sign of Taurus on the 6th, after a six-month transit through the sign of Aries. Mars in Aries may have brought a lot of questions surrounding your career trajectory, things will start to ease off now. You may start to gain more momentum and clarity in your career. Mars in Taurus until the beginning of March brings energy to participate in your community. There may be some interesting opportunities brewing that help you step out of your comfort zone and connect with new types of people.

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th and note that it will turn retrograde there at the end of the month. The messenger planet will therefore spend considerable time in Aquarius; a sign that is already emphasized because of Saturn and Jupiter’s presence there. These planets transiting in Aquarius are challenging you to confront some of your fears. You might have anxieties that need to be addressed, and these could have to do with belonging, or more specifically not belonging. Society is changing and so is your web of connections. Saturn’s presence in Aquarius could mean that you feel alienated and that you may have a tendency to respond to this feeling of alienation by isolating yourself and you may be feeling like you need to work through some of your fears and anxieties. Venus entering Capricorn, on the 8th as well, is a redeeming factor that could bring a connective influence. You could start to feel a stronger desire for the bonding experiences that were missing this past year. This second weekend of January is an excellent time to reach out to the people you love.

The first New Moon of the year occurs in the sign of Capricorn late evening on January 12th in your partnership sector. The New Moon is conjoined Pluto, which brings a double dose of rebirth energy. A New Moon represents the beginning of a new cycle of growth while Pluto is associated with transformation. Something powerful is occurring in connection to the ways in which you view relationships and what you need from them. Things have changed considerably for you in this regard over the last couple of years. You might have shed a lot of preconceived ideas about what partnerships represent. The time may have come to reset your stance and invite better relationship dynamics into your life.

Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the 14th and then a few days later receives a square from Jupiter in Aquarius. Your attention might be brought back again to a new project emerging in your community. You could be contemplating alternative ways of connecting with others or you may be called to work with a marginalized group of people.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th, where Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury are already transiting. All these planets being currently in Aquarius emphasizes intimate partnerships, contracts, business partners, and more extensively your anxieties and fears connected to your place in the world.

The First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 20th could bring an exciting development. However, you may be asked to step out of your comfort zone in order to pursue it. You could have the opportunity to try new things and be required to take calculated risks. You may be doubting yourself or your abilities especially when the Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 22nd and the 23rd. However, your desires for new experiences can override your fears.

The Full Moon in Leo takes place on the 28th and highlights recent financial decisions. More extensively your sense of self-worth could come up for a better take. Your need for validation could feel greater right now, and the Full Moon could clarify some issues around self-worth that have been coming up. It is more difficult to get the support you crave with the social fabric around you being disrupted. This Full Moon may also bring unexpected praise from your admirers.

Finally, Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius on the 30th and will move backward there until the 20th of February. The next three weeks will be a good time to review your contracts before making any final decisions.

What does 2021 have in store for you?

2021 forecast astrology report
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