Cancer Horoscope for October 2021

Cancer Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of evolution, Cancer, with emphasis on inner work and partnership metamorphosis, as well as your career choices. This is a crazy and intense month for you, so that you do well to be prepared for just about anything and, yet, not to despair in the face of the unexpected. Just wait a minute and you will likely come into still another point of view. Your relationship dynamic is in profound change; this includes your own sense of how well you roll with partnership itself. Mercury is retrograding through your root sector of home and family and you are introspective at the core, questioning your most basic beliefs and aspects of your home base. Future plans and the attitude that you take toward societal connection, including your own constructive contributions, are filled with twists and turns and sudden surprises. Your professional stance is another area where transformation is evident, prompting you to attempt understanding more completely the bottom-line values that you aspire to, and making these a distinct priority over any other considerations in what you do in terms of public presentation.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins with the Sun, Mars, and Mercury transiting in Libra highlighting your home sector. You may be preoccupied with a family situation or a relocation process that requires some logistical planning. You may be feeling more introverted but collaboration of some kinds may be necessary. Mercury Retrograde in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn could bring intense exchanges with others. The more extreme manifestation of this transit could bring conflicts or arguments, especially if you or someone else tries to convince the other of their viewpoints. Your desire to get at the bottom of a relational or a familial dynamic could verge on the obsessive but this is also a good aspect to shed light on your deeper psychological patterns.

The New Moon in Libra on the 6th signals the beginning of a new cycle related to your home and your family. The Sun and the Moon in Libra are also joined by Mars and are in aspect to Uranus, bringing issues of justice and peace to the forefront at this time. You also might encounter sudden events or surprises, and your intuition is very well developed at this time as well and could be productive of much insight into your home and family setting or your situation generally. A balancing act could be required to keep up a fragile equilibrium at home or in a partnership. Your children or else a romantic scenario may feature prominently and it could be difficult to see eye to eye. Venus currently transiting in Scorpio might increase your desire for closeness but compromise could be necessary to keep the peace.

Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius and conjuncts the South Node on the 9th bringing opportunities for release. The second weekend of October continues to highlight your home life and the tightrope you may have to walk between your desires and the ones of a family member. However, clarity around a difficult dynamic may start to emerge as Mercury joins the Sun in Libra for its inferior conjunction. An important conversation could take place now that brings closure to a tense situation and allows you to release certain expectations you have towards yourself or someone else. Saturn stations direct on the 10th which may bring a turning point or progress within a partnership.

A host of supportive aspects permeate the third week of October that can help you gain traction. Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius on the 13th brings support for physical and psychological modalities especially if you are willing to confront your fears. The Sun in Libra trine Jupiter a few days later could bring a sense of perspective and integration in connection with ancestral or familial dynamics. You may feel like you are progressing towards a broader and deeper understanding of your needs at this time especially if you are willing to look within yourself and face deeply buried psychological material.

The Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn from the 15th to the 17th may bring issues related to control and power. Your desire to get along with a difficult person could lead to intense conversations or maybe even a crisis of some kind. Interpersonal relationships may be undergoing a period of transformation at this time which could feel difficult but positive in the long run.

There is some momentum leading to the Full Moon in Aries, which promises to be another powerful marker this month. Mercury stations direct in the sign of Libra on the 18th, ending the major phase of its retrograde period, so that after three weeks of negotiation, it may be getting to be time to make a decision.

The potent Full Moon in Aries takes place on the 20th, illuminates your vocational sector and brings attention to your ambitions and your goals. Mars, which rules the Full Moon in Aries, is powered by a trine from Jupiter in Aquarius and a square from Pluto in Capricorn which may translate as a tense climate for the few days surrounding the Full Moon. There may be judgmental polarization accompanying this time and it's important to take a step back from tense conversations at the risk of burning some bridges.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd where it will bring an increasing emphasis on your need for pleasure and deep intimacy in the following weeks. The last week of October should feel less complicated and it may be easier to connect to your creative center to bring forth new ways of relating to the world. However, you may still have to confront some deeper psychological issues highlighted by the Sun in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius on the 30th. This square may bring up an ongoing struggle between your need to feel safe and your fear of losing control. This time might be characterized by hard work and patience in order to get to a more honest expression of the joy and intimacy you long for with others.

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