Cancer Horoscope for March 2022

Cancer Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for expanding your horizons, Cancer. Your beliefs and worldview are highly stimulated and your societal connection, and your friendships, will present you with surprising events and realizations. You have likely been dealing with partnership transformation for many moons by now, in one way or another, and this month brings at least some of these issues to a head. This might relate to a specific partner or partners, or might actually be about the way that your relationship dynamic itself is working in your life. With partners you will find that the links are there for incorporating elements of both your public and your private selves, your career ideals and as well your underground almost fully unconscious parts of your psyche. This month and next are mostly about your public persona of outer world achievement and recognition, and yet your inner world makes a very definite contribution that cannot be ignored in search for wholeness. You are working toward a more authentic presence in the world that takes more greatly into account everything, top to bottom, that you have in you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The beautiful Pisces New Moon on March 2nd heralds the astrological beginning of the month. This potent New Moon lies in the part of your chart that relates to worldview, world travel, and ways to expand your mind. This could happen through learning, traveling, or meeting people from other backgrounds and cultures. Something inspiring could be emerging this month on your horizon that fills you with a sense of faith and wonder. Learning opportunities may bring exciting new ways of looking at your situation. This is the perfect time to let yourself be carried away by concepts that take you out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. You may be able to tap into an incredible reservoir of wisdom and your mind may be blown away by what you discover along the way. This New Moon is conjunct Jupiter while also forming a sextile with Uranus in Taurus. Brilliant ideas, as well as new and innovative ways of doing things, are in your field of awareness .Your partnerships might also be strongly highlighted at the beginning of the month because Venus, Mars, and Pluto meet in the sign of Capricorn in this New Moon. You may have to contend with power dynamics or controlling behavior in a relationship. There are opportunities for you to grow in the way that your respond to important others in your life. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at this time could help you establish necessary boundaries. You might also want to choose remaining quiet at this time to avoid any confrontation.

Mars and Venus are in close conjunction, and enteri the sign of Aquarius together late on the evening of the 5th where they will continue to stay connected for several weeks ahead. These two planets emphasize your close, intimate partnerships throughout the month and may serve to highlight the agreements you have with others. There has perhaps been an ongoing refinement process the past few years as you more fully learn the meaning of relationship and commitment. You could reach a new level of understanding over the course of this monthly cycle that helps you clarify what you are willing to share with others.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 9th and joins Jupiter, the Sun, and Neptune already transiting there. This concentration of planets in Pisces could bring new developments related to your studies or highlight an important educational or spiritual journey. Your sense of faith may be awakened and your mind could turn towards things that can help you make sense of the world. The Sun meets Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and 14th. Mid-March could therefore be a highly creative, mystical, and inspired period when you may be carried away by big concepts and philosophical ideas. Universal truths carry a certain level of comfort at this time and you may be more interested in focusing on principles of unity and peace.

The Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th may by contrast call for the practical applications of what you have been learning. You might need to balance the macro and the micro to paint a full picture. You might be called – or you might be compelled – to articulate what you have been contemplating. Your knowledge and your technical skills are to be celebrated now; this might be the perfect opportunity to show off what you can do. If you feel somewhat awkward or inadequate, let it go. Nothing is perfect and no omelet is made without breaking eggs.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The tempo could increase significantly after this Full Moon because the Sun in Aries brings an energizing influence to your vocational sector. Your career and professional life could become more important and you may find yourself getting busier in the latter part of the month. On the same day, Mars and Venus in Aquarius mutually come into a square with Uranus in Taurus, potentially bringing some unexpected options. Your aspirations are highlighted although you might also have to negotiate the terms of an agreement with someone as new options present themselves.

On the 21st, Mercury in Pisces conjuncts Jupiter, followed by its conjunction with Neptune two days later, on the 23rd. This is a time of expended intellectual accomplishment and yet can be idealized and a tad confusing. You might get a better idea of what you want or where you are heading when Mercury enters Aries on the 27th.

There is commitment-focused energy permeating the last week of March, as Venus and Saturn meet in the sign of Aquarius on the 28th. You may adopt a more pragmatic approach in dealing with an intimate relationship or an important business partnership. This is a time of considerable traction for your professional life and ambitions. The approval of someone close to you could make a huge difference in making you feel confident and committed to your path.

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