Capricorn Horoscope for June 2016

Capricorn Horoscope for June 2016

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another intense and interesting month for you Capricorn, when you are finding inspiration for career and for your workplace, while simultaneously discovering further facets of the more private spaces of your own inner world. This is a time of consolidation of recent gains in understanding of your ongoing transformation of values and identity, and of where you are truly heading with life goals, while feeling a brand new initiative for your work in the world of business and professional concerns. You are also going for an increased sense of responsibility that has nothing whatsoever to do with outer persona. Issues that have been wearing away at you as the sea does the shore become even more greatly present to you, so that the deep-seated changes that you find yourself in the midst of become obvious, unable to be ignored, and ultimately very rewarding to you.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pull of outer events and priorities while being simultaneously drawn to hidden places within you, that seemingly have little to do with these. Actually, a surprising number of your everyday actions come directly from an unconscious decision process, although it is difficult to detect this in the normal run of events. Once you open to what is going on deep inside of yourself, you include a larger portion of your psyche in what you know of you, and enter into an expanded awareness. The astrological indications are very clear: the ruler of your career sector, namely Venus, is conjunct the Sun and in a Grand Cross with Jupiter, Neptune, and your ruler Saturn, thus greatly emphasizing outer presentation, and also the notion of that as being interspersed with the mystical side of life.

Meanwhile Mars, ruling your sector of home and family, and your psychological roots, is also strongly configured in the last degrees of Scorpio, and stations to direct motion by the end of the month. As it does it closely aspects Uranus and the new planet, Eris, representing uniquely individual perspectives and deep soul intention. Since Mars is drawn into this more prominently after the middle of the month, the entire second half of June is a more internal one for you. And, additionally, you will find over this same timing that partnership comes more completely into the picture for you as well. It is said that when you look inside for the answers that you seek, what you discover might surprise you. Actually, given these astrologically indications, the answers that you get will surprise you.

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