Capricorn Horoscope for January 2017

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2017

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents a turning point for you, Capricorn. You are, in some important way, reborn. This is indicated by the flowering of astrological indications that represent significant developments on both outer and inner levels, evolutionary progress that has been slowly building up for some time now and is ready to move. It is a meditative time. Mercury is in backward motion, or recovering, nearly all month long, and located in your sign as it begins and ends its significant retrograde period. Refining your sense of identity through self-reflection comes up for you quite strongly now, with eventual partial resolution late in the month. You are trying hard to understand where your life is taking you and to what ultimate purpose. Your deep-seated intention for yourself has been a moving target in recent months, and yet this intensity of transformation – of identity and values – still takes a good deal of getting used to.

As the month begins, you are still riding the wave of the recent New Moon in your sign, from the end of the previous month of December. This was a potent lunation, and the ripples will be felt all through the current month right up to the 27th, when the Aquarius New Moon signals the beginning of a new cycle. This late date in January is also the time when Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow, that period of time following the three weeks of retrograde or backward motion when Mercury slowly recovers its lost Zodiacal ground. Because Mercury is retrograding through your sign, this is a time of introspection and of attempting to better understand who you are at the deeper levels of your psyche. You are becoming more comfortable with the unfamiliar territory of your own inner reaches and discovering therein a fundamental factor for how you see your life going forward. An important time of soul-searching awaits you this month, and you do well, rather than shy away from the revelations that could be waiting for you, to simply welcome them in.

Your ruler, Saturn, remains in parallel with Pluto and in trine aspect to Uranus, as the Uranus-Pluto square, now in its seventh major year, continues to light up the dark and fecund areas of your psyche, connecting these to your very sense of identity because Pluto resides in the middle of your own sign. You are no doubt willing to affirm by now that you are in the midst of great and far-reaching changes, scary as that might seem. This journey is actually not so very frightening once you get all the way into it, and once you recognize it as inevitable. Then, you are merely making the best of what you have already accepted as a profound letting go.

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With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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