Capricorn Horoscope for July 2017

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are still transforming, Capricorn. Pluto in your sign is even more greatly highlighted this month than the last. Then, too, the cosmic currents imply some sort of fresh start in your partnership activities, stemming from late last month. The potent Full Moon of July 8th will bring this process to one peak, perhaps a moment of fulfillment, and yet also potentially one of trial that will test the depth of your commitment. Although relationship is involved with your current set of changes, it is your particularized personal arc of development that remains front and center. If you have a choice, working on your own end of the dyad is the recommended approach, and the only one that you can actually control. These deeper changes within you have been going on for quite some time now and it is difficult to be patient; but it won’t be over till it’s over.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

For every ounce of hard work, accomplishment, and determination that Capricorns bring to the table, there is often an untold story, or a secret set of desires fueling the sea-goat, who was also traditionally called “enigmatic,” and “mysterious.” For example, often Capricorns work so hard for so long in life not simply because they are dull or obsessive about working, but rather specifically so that they can relax later in life or find some deeper sense of meaning or fulfillment in old age. However, we rarely see these deeper romantic longings or the inner emotional thirst of Capricorns because of how focused and disciplined they tend to be in the outside world. One of the potential weak spots in the Capricornian armor is therefore related to intimacy and relationships. When Capricorns must drop their focus and deal with more than they feel is their fair share of responsibility for others, they often get quite stressed out. If taking responsibility for others is part of a long-term vision of success and well-being, then most Capricorns will pick up others’ slack in stride, but if there is a pattern of constant neediness pressing in upon a Capricorn’s work life, then it’s quite possible for Capricorns to be quickly thrown off balance.

This month’s astrology features a powerful time of change and transformation in your relationships, and so it’s especially important that you tune into your own emotional needs and be very careful of how much you are giving or withholding, of what is fair, and of what is too much within the give and take of your most important relationships. The entire month of July, the planet Mars is in its depression and combust the Sun in your seventh house of marriage, relationships, and partnerships, indicating that the needs or demands of others may be pressing on you quite powerfully this month. As the month unfolds, Mars will eventually be eclipsed by the Sun (July 26th), indicating a very serious time of death and rebirth in your relationships. Mars in its fall in Cancer in your seventh house is an indication that someone’s needs aren’t getting met, or that you are feeling somewhat exhausted by those you are in relationships with, or possibly that those you are in relationships with are finally demanding more from you if you’ve been withholding yourself or if you’ve been emotionally unavailable.

In addition to this, as the Sun and Mars journey through your seventh house of love, they are simultaneously opposing Pluto in your first house, which means this month really might represent a personal time of catharsis, healing, purging, and regeneration. If you’ve been working so hard you haven’t had time for love, then now is the time to open your heart. On the other hand, if needs, demands, and unreasonable pressures in relationships have been keeping you from your best self, then now might be the time to make some big changes in your relationships or to get out of one entirely.

Also, with Jupiter in the sign of Libra in your tenth house, this month’s astrology is part of an overall time in your life where you are looking for balance between your personal and professional spheres. While Jupiter in the tenth brings tremendous opportunities for growth and professional expansion (September 2016 to October 2017), there is also the call to balance that growth within all other areas your life, and this call will remain strong for all Sea-Goats until October when Jupiter finally leaves Libra.

Stay tuned for next month’s horoscopes because August’s forecasts will include two big eclipses! Good luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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