Capricorn Horoscope for November 2017

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2017

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in for another big month, Capricorn, one in which you are very involved with both inner and outer concerns. You are geared for achievement in career and profession, although with unexpected fluctuations there. It is too early to tell their ultimate outcome, so that it is best not to rush to judgment about what is transpiring for you until all the returns are in. The Full Moon of November 3rd provides balance and further information. The interior work in which you are engaged leads you to a better understanding of yourself and of your deepest values, preparing the way to the next stage of your ongoing future evolution. Your most important investment at this juncture might be to these inner realms, springing from hidden reservoirs and underlying all that you accomplish in the surface layers of your psyche. You are finding your way forward into a greater alignment between these two worlds, to your ultimate advantage.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.

The first week of the month, you'll be supported in your business endeavors. Sure, it's in your nature not to jump at every opportunity that comes your way and that's what's shored you up, at least to this point. But November's first week may present you with something that even you can't deny is interesting and worth consideration. Lady Venus this month is bringing some balance to your ally, Mars, who seems to be more interested in working a lot than working well or smartly. It helps when you can be extra discerning this month, and through to the end of the year, not to get stranded in do-loops that have little promise of tangible rewards.

Venus will leave her Mars partnership on the 8th of the month and with her departure leaves the balancing of Mars' doingness. It is a good point to remember, too, that this Mars-Venus tag team in support of your career or business didn't just magically start at the start of the month. If you look back to the latter half of October you might see that this trend began around then. So if you don't take advantage of Venus' unique ability to bring out the best in Mars, it just means you're waiting for another opportunity in the future. And, even after Venus departs the Cap Support Team, Mars is still working and working hard for you; it' in his nature. Best practice is to commit yourself to working with Mars rather than against him (or yourself). This means finding good outlets for the excess energy that may build up from over-thinking, over-controlling, or under-enjoying what you already have.

The final days of November (and continuing into December) will see Mercury heading into its retrograde directly underneath Saturn, Lord of Realistic Reality. This means Mercury will be in Saturn's courthouse for an extended period of time and can act as his messenger — an announcer of his rulings. The longer any two planets remain in aspect, such as this conjunction, the deeper their commingling happens and the more the sign of their conjunction, which is Sagittarius, materializes through those areas of your life. This may produce an inner conflict between vision and responsibility, between what's possible and what's realistic. Be mindful to be patient when communicating with others on your team — they may need to hear it a few times.

And if you are the type of Capricorn that engages in healing work, the 22nd of the month may prove extra supportive of getting deeper into your shadow self for transformation and growth. It may not be comfortable but any earnest effort in this area now will have the wind beneath its wings.

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