Capricorn Horoscope for February 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for February 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month with its eclipses represents for you a rebirth of sorts, Capricorn. You are self-absorbed but in a good way; one reflecting self-development and renewed identity definition. Partners come into this picture also, stemming from the timing of the lunar eclipse of the 31st, just preceding the onset of February. You are striving for greater understanding of issues of intimacy and also exploring deep connection within your own inner universe, seeking a better balance of self and other. In the second half of the month, after the solar eclipse of February 15th, you find yourself inclined to take soul-level agendas into greater account when contemplating issues of career or profession. You are coming to recognize that you are not in the game for the mundane rewards sanctioned by society, at least not solely. Rather, you feel increasingly drawn toward articulating your innermost intentions amidst the concerns and triumphs of your ordinary working world.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just one day after the lunar eclipse in Leo in your eighth house, which was traditionally the house of death, fear of the future, and penalties. This is as well as the house related to passive income or “other people’s resources.” Any of these themes may be pronounced this month, but this shouldn’t be surprising to you. Ever since Saturn entered your first house in December things have been getting very “real,” and will continue this way for a while. Just remember, for as foreboding as an eclipse in the 8th house may sound, you were born for the depth and maturity required to weather big transformational journeys. Of all the signs of the zodiac, there are few as well-prepared as you to find buried treasures in dark places.

Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your second house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your twelfth house. If you’re dealing with any difficult patterns in your financial life, it’s a good time to turn over a new leaf. Be careful of compulsive spending or consumption of any kind. It’s also a good time to return to the land, water, or woods, or to study something rooted in the natural world.

On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your second house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your eleventh house. Joint financial ventures are possible. Watch for opportunities to work together with new allies or benefactors, but be careful of opportunism or being used by others. This is also a good time to dream or imagine a new goal, or to plant the seeds for a project intended to bring future success.

February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your eleventh house. You may be saying goodbye to friends or important allies at this time, or you might be noticing the fruits of various allegiances are finally manifesting. Long-term benefits might be coming your way thanks to something ending or finalizing.

February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, and into your third house. Communication, media, writing, and speaking become beautiful, artistic, and harmonious. You may notice siblings falling in love or that relationships to siblings or cousins are emphasized at this time. Healing can take place through heart-felt communication.

On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your second house. Your finances are a huge factor for you this month. Financial transformation is in the air. You might be paying off debt, getting a raise, or developing a new project that may yield fruit in the future. You may also be doing something to cultivate land or property at this time. It’s also a good time to shift your relationship to the material world and your values, in general. Second house solar eclipses are excellent for committing to new values or even an entirely new lifestyle.

On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your twelfth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your third house. There could be some element of sibling drama or tension this month, so watch for that. On the other hand, you might be feeling like you are communicating on behalf of someone who is suffering or in need. Just remember, compassionate service to others is good, while neglecting or punishing yourself is not.

On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces and your third house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your third house. Communication, writing, speaking, siblings, and technology or travel are highlighted for a good portion of this month as a host of planets move through your third house. In the sign of Pisces, the emphasis is on communicating clearly but compassionately. Your homework this month is to find the balance between mature, grounded, self-sufficiency and vulnerable, heart-opening sharing and communicating with others.

Finally, the last few days of the month Mercury and Venus in Pisces in your third house will square Mars in Sagittarius in your twelfth house. You are continuing to explore the deeper emotional subtleties of how you communicate with others. It’s important to clarify your intentions to other people or to ask others to clarify their intentions to you. Miscommunication is bound to occur if you make too many assumptions this month, whereas compassion, compromise, and emotionally intelligent communication is promised if you can remember to stay centered in your heart.

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