Capricorn Horoscope for May 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You remain in the midst of major transformation this month, Capricorn, the difference being that dim intimations have become bold outlines. You are facing core issues in motion, and are recognizing that old wounds can unexpectedly come to light with demands to be let in. This is not at all easy, although as you make friends with yourself in all the dark places within you, family issues, relationships, and future goals in play all have fortunate results to the extent that you can stay open to possibility. The good news is that you aren’t giving up anything that you can’t let go of. At the end, as the late great John Lennon laid out for us, “you won’t take nothing with you but your soul.” And the truth of the evolutionary matters that you have before you now is that, at soul-level, you are not at all diminished, but rather greatly enhanced by what you are currently going through.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This is a powerful time for you, and everybody you know, this month as the planet Uranus changes signs and moves into Taurus on May 15th. This change comes right on the heels of Chiron’s recent ingress into Aries, on April 17th. Meanwhile, the Taurus New Moon is also on May 15th, while Mars enters Aquarius and squares Uranus between the 15th and 16th. Let’s explore these transits in depth.

The back-to-back transitions of Chiron and Uranus into your fourth and fifth houses steal the show this month, so we’ll focus our attention there. The fourth house is the house of root psychological issues, home, family, land and property, and the fifth house is the house of children, pregnancy, joy, and creativity. With Uranus, the planet of awakening, disruption, and rebellion, having been in your fourth house since 2010, you have been experiencing one change and foundation-shaking experience after another. This can manifest in terms of sudden realizations, deaths, or upheavals in your family or in the lives of relatives, or confronting or being awakened to the depths of your family karma or psychological issues related to home and family, as well as moving, buying or selling property. Uranus is ultimately a planet that offers us profound liberation and expanded awareness, and so although some of these Uranian experiences have no doubt been unsettling, you have also been growing and evolving tremendously over the past eight years.

Now, as Chiron enters your fourth house and Uranus exits, a comparatively more stable energy is entering the home/family area of your chart. Chiron is known as “the Wounded Healer,” and symbolizes our wounds and the wisdom related to them. You can therefore expect that a deep level of healing and wisdom is about to enter the domestic sphere of your life. After all the disruptions, upheavals, and root level changes that Uranus shook up in the fourth house, a healer and sage is now entering. You may find teachers or healers entering your life to help you address the ongoing healing you need to do in this area of life, or you may find that you are starting to embody a wiser and more compassionate level of understanding regarding your family or home life. Perhaps it’s time to change something about your home environment so that it is a warmer, safer, and more healing place to live. Or perhaps your family members will begin a healing process of their own. It’s also not uncommon to feel called to serve other families, or to work with the protection or healing of the land. This transit offers a very deep level of ancestral cleansing, but as a Capricorn you must avoid the temptation to bi-pass the emotional depths of these experiences in favor of productivity or hard work. Beneath every wound is generally a place of very deep vulnerability, and Chiron can only aid us only so long as we do not bite the hand of the healer who is only trying to help!

Next, on May 15th Uranus will enter Taurus and move into your fifth house, which means that you are about to experience a very powerful, if not disruptive or unexpected, release of creative energy. You may be welcoming a new soul into the world, or you might be ready to express yourself both creatively and provocatively. As a Capricorn you are naturally hard working, dutiful, and intelligent, but sometimes you struggle to have fun and let go. Uranus entering your fifth house will invite you to become more child-like and to find new ways of having fun while prioritizing creative and joyful activities in general. However, to get there, Uranus might need to rock your boat a little. Just remember that overall this transit is here to help you awaken, evolve, and expand your awareness.

Finally, the same day Uranus moves into Taurus, May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus, therefore in your fifth house, while later that evening the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your fifth house of creativity, children, and joy. Meanwhile, Mars entering your second house points to a critical moment of change or challenge regarding your money, resources, or values. The ingress of Mars into your second house will be directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your fifth house. It’s therefore truly a dynamic month for Capricorns, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time!

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