Capricorn Horoscope for January 2019

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2019

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have another intense and changeful month ahead of you, Capricorn, in many ways a continuation of your recent transformations during last year. The month starts off with a bang for you, with a Solar Eclipse the first weekend of January in the identity sector of your chart. You are energized and committed, more fully ready to take the plunge over the waterfall that leads you to your next stage. Challenges could arise, along with compulsions, but you also have some lovely and quite spiritual energy flowing toward you. You will do just fine if you keep your chin up. As the poet says, referring to encountering great difficulty as somehow part of the plan, “Why' So my chaff might fly, my grain lie sheer and clear.” While the month continues to unfold, you are summoned to familial issues that need tending, as well as a fresh dose of the recognition of the vast divide between self and other that somehow manages to reframe itself as harmony.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Capricorn!
This month features two eclipses, one in Leo and one in your home sign of Capricorn, plus a long lineup of transits through Capricorn, corresponding to your first house of identity. January’s major astrological focus is thus intensely personal for you, starting with a Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn in your first house on January 1st, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th, which brings issues of self-definition to the fore. Then, a Sun/Pluto conjunction takes place, also in Capricorn on January 10th, and finally there is a square from Mars in Aries to Saturn in Capricorn in your first house on January 21st.

All this emphasis on your first house brings you into closer connection with yourself and with the way that you come across to others. Ever since December of 2017, when your ruling planet Saturn entered your home sign and first house, you have been going through a period of tremendous personal empowerment. Saturn’s version of empowerment often comes through hard work, focus, determination, and greater responsibility, but as a Capricorn this is where you thrive. With eclipses now set to role through your first house for a year to come, and with your ruling planet moving into a conjunction with Pluto by next winter, you are re-visioning yourself from the ground up. Saturn’s rebirth will come most intensely in terms of what you are saying “no” to right now. Like gutting an old house, the frame and foundation may remain in place, but everything else must go before you can truly start fresh. Your “no’s” are thus to become the foundation upon which you will build something joyous in the months to come.

With eclipses moving through your first house, you should also be especially careful about your health and energy levels. While increased responsibility, mastery, and wisdom is natural for Saturn’s sojourn through your home sign and house, it often comes at a cost. If your heart isn’t in it, the weight will feel as heavy as lead. It will silence and stifle rather than support and inspire you, so take care not to burden yourself unnecessarily.

On January 8th, Mercury in Capricorn will square Mars in Aries in your fourth house, and then between January 12th and 13th, Mercury will conjoin Saturn in Capricorn. During these two transits you will be mentally focused, incisive, and inquisitive, but also potentially intense or severe in your thinking. It’s a great time to speak your mind or to vocalize your bottom line but be careful that you do not become domineering or rigid in the way you respond or react to adversity or challenges from others.

On January 13th, just as the Sun and Moon come into the square alignment of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your twelfth house of surrender and dissolution will square Neptune in Pisces in your third house of the mind, communication, and siblings. Venus in Sagittarius is also perfecting a trine to Mars in Aries in your fourth house of home and family on January 17th. A spiritual, emotional, and philosophical change is taking place inside of you this year. Your mind and heart are opening as you are becoming more aware of the sorrow and suffering of others, about what you can do and what you cannot do to help, and about where your own suffering exists and about what you can do to change it, or not. This is a transit that will help you to grow tremendously if you are able to forgive yourself and others, rather than demanding or expecting too much. On the other hand, if you are entertaining destructive fantasies or wishful thinking the consequences could be high right now, so be on grand thinking that lacks substance or grounded support.

On the late evening of January 20th, a Lunar Eclipse falls in the sign of Leo in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and other people’s money. This is the last of a long series of eclipses you’ve received in this house over the past year and a half. While you are not one to balk at the reality hardship, death, or loss, and you are likely battle-tested by now, it’s very important that you allow yourself to really feel the level of loss and surrender that you’ve witnessed as of late. One of your biggest challenges is to allow yourself to feel your experiences, rather than detaching too quickly from them. It’s also possible that you are very specifically reaching the end of a long series of trials surrounding debt and finances or issues related to a spouse or partner’s financial status.

Then, on January 22nd, Venus in Sagittarius in your twelfth house will conjoin with Jupiter in Sagittarius. While the twelfth house isn’t a cakewalk, this transit brings a surge of faith, hope, and compassion into an otherwise challenging month of personal growth work. Venus and Jupiter will bring a wave of joy, gratitude, beauty, and abundance to close the month if you keep your heart open for it. Beware, as always with Venus and Jupiter, of extravagance or over-doing things, but otherwise enjoy the lifted energy

With a new year upon us, now is a wonderful time to receive personalized astrological wisdom for your year ahead with a transit report.

What does 2019 have in store for you?

2019 forecast astrology report
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It's been a very interesting, transformative year, and 2019 is sure to hold many more surprises and mysteries. Thankfully, the wisdom of astrology can help us all prepare for and navigate life with more grace and ease. See what's in store for you with a personalized astrological transit 2019 Forecast Report.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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