Capricorn Horoscope for July 2020

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another in the series of transformational months that you have been facing, Capricorn. With the recent solstice eclipse New Moon in your opposite sign, from the weekend of June 20th, there has been even more pressure upon you regarding the personal evolution that you have been in the midst of all this year. You have lately had quite a lot of attention and also introspection focused upon key relationships in your life, including business partnerships. Your understanding of your own identity is also changing, and your concept of what you are up to in this incarnation, your sense of life mission. It would seem that your task would then be to sort out what is truly going on for you, below the surface. Issues stemming from family of origin actively come into this, as well as your relationship dynamic with important partners. Astrology can be helpful here, in allowing you to recognize that you are on the cusp of major change. You benefit by paying the closet possible attention right now to everything that is going on inside you.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

In the aftermath of the recent and quite powerful solar eclipse New Moon in your opposite sign of Cancer, taking place ten days before the July month began, you are undoubtedly focused to a large extent on the issue of partnership in your life. Your relationships are playing a major role in bringing you comfort these days, and also there are issues that have likely arisen regarding exactly how to understand the place of relationship and helpful partners in your life as you move forward. I am tempted to say that the recent Venus retrograde in Gemini from mid-May to mid-June didn’t even affect you regarding relationship issues per se, but on the other hand the recent retrograde of Mercury in mid-Cancer, from the last half of the previous month, certainly did. The eclipses on the Capricorn-Cancer axis from the last two years have taught you a lot about relating to others. You’ve come to truly appreciate your partnerships. You’ve learned the meaning, the joys, and the rewards of vulnerability. And yet there are nagging questions, perhaps about your own responses. July begins with Mercury still moving retrograde in your house of relationships showing that adjustments and negotiations are taking place.

On July 1st, your ruler Saturn, currently retrograde, which has been in Aquarius since March 21st, returns to Capricorn for one last round of consolidation. Saturn returning to your sign until mid-December is a strength, and yet in combination with Jupiter and Pluto represents powerful transformative effects that will utterly change your life path. This doesn’t have to be daunting. It will mainly be a period of integration for the inner and outer mastery you have acquired in the last two years.

The Lunar Eclipse on July 4th in Capricorn challenges you to step up your game and asks where you want to take your newly acquired awareness. Jupiter and Pluto in your sign emphasize a deep regenerative process that has been occurring for you which is opening your perception to new possibilities, perhaps some that you hadn’t even dreamed of. This expansive influence is allowing you a broader framework to envision your future.

On July 8th Mercury Retrograde in Cancer squares Mars in Aries, bringing attention to private matters at home. Mercury rules communication while Mars rules self-assertion, indicating that arguments or tension could be hard to reconcile. There could be confusion between caring and imposing something forcefully, whether this is coming from you or someone else. You will want to be mindful of your interactions. Everyone, including yourself, is likely to have less patience and more abrasive words.

On July 11th, Chiron stations retrograde in Aries while the Moon and Mars conjoin it, leading up to the Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July 12th, with Mars still conjunct Chiron. This again brings attention to your home and family situation. Compromise will likely be needed to keep the peace. By the same token Mars in Aries in your home sector, which it rules, for the next six months will bring a tremendous focus on your base of operation and your core psychological beliefs. Self-sufficiency is a Mars word, and with the red planet in your home sector you might be feeling a need to invest your energy in modalities that allows you more independence. Also on July 12th, Mercury stations direct in Cancer in your house of partnerships while the Sun in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn on July 13th to the 15th. After some hiccups, perspective starts opening up again in your relationships.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 20th takes place with the Sun and Moon directly opposite Saturn in Capricorn. Commitments are renewed with more pragmatism after the conversations of the last two weeks. While this New Moon in Cancer signals a time of maturity and compromises with others, it is also a time of integration in connection with your partnerships.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd ushering the Leo season and the middle of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Leo will gradually shine its powerful rays on intimacy connections, as well as your contracts, agreements, and what you obtain from others, thanks to their resources and support.

On July 27th, the First Quarter Moon hits, in Scorpio, while Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for a second time, and while Neptune is also sextile Jupiter in Capricorn. This end of month timing can be an inspirational. Your future goals are communicating themselves to you in mystical fashion. Make sure to carry a notebook with you because original ideas are likely to come up that could be applied to your work. Mercury in Cancer also squares Mars in Aries a second time on the 27th, and this time Mercury is direct. You have good problem-solving intuition, and people around you will feel it. Expect to have a little bit of pushback from others when you try to implement these new ideas, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or to keep dialoguing in order to find common ground. With some patience plus a little elbow grease there is not much you can’t do; especially if you have your team pulling for you and on your side.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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